This is my take on yesterdays game

Sorry for starting another thread ,I will not add a new thread till Vikings games. I did my research now. I don’t see Decker geting acknowledgement from referee ,yes ref need to pay attention,ref had a history of making mistakes. But player has a responsibility to execute his job ,these are on coaches and player ,paying attention to details . I know decker cried after winning north title, but for me what matters is second home field playoff advantage . Everybody please do their basic job and use common sense , nobody cares about emotion and taking weak decisions when mind is not clear. Why also want to add critical play to a lineman with these my hassles to go through ,trust your playmakers. I felt the time Decker suppose to get emotional was against ref. He should have said emotionally" it so hard man ,it’s been sine 12 years I am eligible ,you better acknowledge it " Next time ref allen comes to ford field better wear paper bag.

A mirror might be helpful in this instance then


Hall of mirrors. ESPN Baby in a hall of mirrors (the optical illusion Al carnival type). Funny image.

ESPNBaby is so mysterious. I’ve always imagined him ESPN baby as an 84 year old Laotian monk that comes down off his hilltop temple to the Internet cafe in the nearby town to bless us with his Lions takes every now and then.

Would explain the burst topic posting.


84 flip it,48 now :rofl:

Okay. Do you know what Reddit AMAs are?

Dude forgot he changed his password from 1234 to 12345

Edit to add: I might be one of the few that actually does enjoy the majority of ESPNBABY’s posts.


I’m trying to arrange an ESPNBABY AMA. Maybe like may or something. Dog days of offseason. Would be fun

“Those who have knowledge, don’t predict. Those who predict, don’t have knowledge.”

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Wait only a few enjoy them?

I go and read my post to get a kick out of it :rofl:

I felt the time Decker suppose to get emotional was against ref. He should have said emotionally" it so hard man ,it’s been sine 12 years I am eligible ,you better acknowledge it " Next time ref allen comes to ford field better wear paper bag. I was expecting some to agree to my thoughts,don’t worry nobody will troll you :rofl:

You did your research…yet you say that Decker HAS to do his job but then you essentially says that it’s okay if the ref doesn’t do his.

So please do more research and tell me.wjy Decker has to ensure the ref hears him yet the ref who is paid to listen for this exact thing get a pass! Please research why that’s ok!

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If you look my thread, I mentioned tht ref was error prone and he had a history , thats why I told decker had to make sure . You can see from refs body language that ref was not paying attention

One of Iggy’s sock puppets.

So the apparent nod after Decker walked over was what then?

And mistake prone or not… he’s a professional ref…his past does not absolve him of making the correct call!

Decker or any other player has a responsibility to execute the play called. Every player has much to do on each play. Having to cover for senile refs is not, and never should be a part of their job!


It’s head coach job to have basics correct . Everything falls on to Dan ,he basically screwed my no 2 seed . First do the job,gambling once is ok ,but keep gambling you are killing the confidence of them players who are doing the hard work

Gotta be one of the laziest takes I’ve seen. Anyone who really knows football and knows about plays like this knows that sending only one OL to the referee for a 2 pt conversion where the defense is stagnant and can see everything going on is like telling on yourself pre-snap.

The Lions succeeded in creating confusion. Three linemen – 58, 68 and 70 – all walk/run toward the ref. How many Lions does it take to report 1 lineman as eligible? 68 needed a personal escort from 58? 70 ran onto the field making a beeline for the ref as if he’s reporting

Also the crucial play to a lineman which added all this confusion ,play real football

That’s funny buddy :rofl:

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