This is one of the lamest bandwagon fan articles I’ve ever read

As for MacLeod’s personal fandom, he admitted to CBC News that he’s a “bandwagoner” — he’ll cheer for the Lions, but he doesn’t follow the team and didn’t watch their victory against the Los Angeles Rams last weekend.


I hope I have enough of a life when I’m older to not have to give a sh!t about meaningless things like this.

Good Lord.

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There is a wall mural in Windsor, quite large, that says “South Detroit”
Drove by it the other day

Most people in South Detroit are fans of each Detroit team. I live in Windsor as well

I was in a bar in downtown Detroit in 1984 — that was a memorable evening

I was at the Joe when;
McCarty beat up Lemieux
For both big Colorado brawls
When The Captain raised the first Cup

I was at the Silverdome when Sanders broke 2,000 yards

Who gives a shit about the article?
It isn’t targeted at “fans” — it’s targeted at locals who aren’t living the hype.
Same articles came out when Raptors won a few years ago

What’s the harm?
Right, exactly none.


A youtube vid came up if a ‘fan’ going to the wildcard game. At the beginning says he is going to the lions Chargers game. Switched Off!

Sorry, but I welcome the ‘bandwagoner’ fans.

My support may be more knowledgeable, fervent, and long-lasting…but I want everyone to enjoy this ride if they want to. The more people that support the Lions, the more sales and revenue they produce, the more ratings they get, the more popular they become, and the more screen time the team and it’s coaches, players, and personalities get for me to take in.

I’m not going to get my panties in a bunch because people who didn’t care about the Lions last week are supporting them now.

What did Dan say?

"To the ones that stuck with us, this is for you. To the doubters, stay off our train.

It’s too late for you."



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