This Meathead former player only won one game yr 1....LOL

Charles Henry Noll (January 5, 1932 – June 13, 2014) was an American professional football player and head coach. Regarded as one of the greatest head coaches of all time, his sole head coaching position was for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League (NFL) from 1969 to 1991. When Noll retired after 23 years, only three other head coaches in NFL history had longer tenures with one team.[1]

After a seven-year playing career that included two NFL Championships as a member of his hometown Cleveland Browns and several years as an assistant coach with various teams, in 1969 Noll took the helm of the then moribund Steelers (which had played in only one post-season game in its previous 36 years, a 21–0 loss), and turned it into a perennial contender.

Sounds familiar? And BTW, he lead the Steelers to a 1-13 record in his first season.

Give DC a little lea way here guys, the players have been ballin for this guy. We had 2 games where we totally shit the bed, but other than that even though we are over matched we are playing hard. The players love this guy! I really think with anything close to an NFL roster we don’t see as many aggresive WTF calls. So to all the haters, enjoy the ride and in 3 years you can say you were his biggest supporter all along! :slight_smile:


Dan Campbell WILL win here.

Next season, controversy will shift form “should we fire the coach” …to… “Should we keep an improved Goff?”

Goff’s gonna look better when we get some WRs.
OC is by far the most important offseason acquisition we make, this year.

Brad and Dan will eventually get it right.


Look out the “MCDC sucks support group” is lurking in the shadows……


I came out pretty hard against Goff after the 3rd or 4th week, but I admit, the last 2 weeks he has looked better and with some added weapons next season it should save us from having to draft a QB this year and see what we have in Goff w/ a better roster. If nothing else, he just might be good enough to at least carry us through to 2023.

The other thing I didn’t mention about Noll and their incredible Super Bowl run, they did all that without Fox and Goalpost. Goalpost has let us down this season, but he will be back! The future looks bright considering we have both Fox and Goalpost


I’ll support 'em. They’re my brothers.
Getting everyone on the same page in terms of general support would be fun.

Buffalo fans are SO supportive and kind to one another. The difference between them and Lions fans is crazy.


Jimmy Johnson was another who didn’t exactly hit the ground running with the Cowboys:

|1990 Dallas Cowboys |Head Coach| 7-9-0|0-0|
|1989 Dallas Cowboys |Head Coach|**1-15-0|**0-0|


Hmmm…I guess that kind support is possible cuz they focus all their vicious negativity on players. Just ask Norwood & all the death threats he received for years after missing the Wide Right.

We’ll see how united they remain if they slip out of the playoffs.

I hope MCDC works out, but having to go back 30-50 years to find similar examples is not necessarily comforting or relevant.


It wasn’t improved weapons, that was proven, Reynolds is the only different guy, but we were also minus Swift, Reynolds had four catches. Nothing earth shattering. St brown 10 catches 1 TD, hutch 4 catches 1TD and Brock the other TD. All these guys have been here all year. The difference in Goff wasn’t the players around him, it was in himself and his approach that was different. He used his WRs in a different way then previously


Very well said it was like watching a different player


One big difference. Was if we needed 10 yrds he threw the ball 15 yrds, he wasn’t throwing it 5 yrds trying to get the 10 yrds. Hell I can live with a int once it while when he flinging it like Sunday. Our WRs are still not very good but he got what he could out of them.


I think adding Reynolds gave him someone he had trust in. And I think Dan calling plays and the changes to the QB coach helped as well.

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But it wasn’t Reynolds he was trusting it was St Brown and Hock. Seems like your just trying push a certain narrative. But the guys that made the impact was the same guys he has had. Even minus what some say is his best weapon in Swift. Goff had a whole different approach .

Reynolds presence seems to have opened things up a bit for the others.

In two games, Reynolds has 7 catches for 139 yards, 19.9 ypr and 1 TD.


This post is very accurate. Ask yourself, when DC took over play calling, what could he really do? He had to work with what Lynn created and taught all year.
He has brought in help to improve on the disaster Lynn created with his dink & dunk BS.
The more time DC has to work on the O, expect better results.


Exactly what narrative am I trying to push? Reynolds has been a good pickup for Goff.

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You literally had to go back THIRTY YEARS to find someone similar, and this is when coaching a game that changed drastically since that time.

I really hope Campbell succeeds here, but, come on. That’s absurd.

Reynolds was a good pick up, the narrative of he just needed better WRs. There was more to it then the WRs.

To be fair, they drafted or acquired 10 Hall of Famers in a 5 year span. Plus guys like LC Greenwood, Dwight White, Jon Kolb and Rocky Bleier

1974- 4 of their first 5 picks were HOF, and the “miss” was Spiderman Allen, who had 31 picks…

Next 25 years, 2 HOF (Woodson, Faneca).

To wit another example-

Phil Jackson, the one time he had to play with non HOF talent in NY, absolutely sucked as a coach. Trash.

Note- I will take any opportunity to take shots at Phraudulent Phillup.

Here’s a fun one…

Belichick went 5-11 in his 1st year with Pats.
Andy Reid was 5-11 in his 1st year with Eagles.

Dick Vermeil went 4-10, 5-11, and 6-10 in his 1st years as coach for Eagles, Rams, and Chiefs.

Parcells went 3-12-1 in 1st year w/ Giants, and 5-11 with 1st year w Pats.

Former Lions coaches 1st years as rookie HC include:

Bobby Ross… 11-5
Mooch… 13-3
Caldwell… 14-2 and made it to Super Bowl.