Thomas Dimitroff interviews Brad Holmes

Not sure who all has followed this podcast, but it’s decent. Dimitroff travels around speaking with NFL GM’s. He did the interviews a while ago but has been releasing one a week.


This was an interesting comment from Holmes in this interview that you could easily plug in his draft strategy this year.

“It brings me back to Draft Day. I was ecstatic to land Penei, but if Penei wasn’t there, it would have been a tough decision on a cluster of players. I look back at it, and that shouldn’t have been a tough decision. I think about Les Snead, going back to him again – he saw us talk about when those players get in that height of a cluster. You just kind of treat it as like what fits best. It’s not tough. It’s like, well, do you want to vacation in Paris or do you want to vacation in Rome? Do you want to go to Turks and Caicos, or do you want to go to Grand Cayman? You’re not going to be upset with either one, so it’s what actually fits best for you.”


Except this year it’s sort of do you want to vacation in Indiana or Ohio?


I’ll take Cedar Point!!


Yeah, Gary or Youngstown.

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Now this guy knows what he’s talking about.


My all time old school fav. Is the Gemini



Do you know why Michigan doesn’t break off and float into the Great Lakes?

Because Indiana and Ohio suck!!


The only good thing about Ohio?!

Leaving it! :crazy_face:


Cedar Point is one of my favorite places on earth. Last time i was there Millennium Force was still king so it’s been a long, long time.


We go every year when we go see family in Toledo. Steel Vengance is that ride.

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Last time i was there one of those monster Great Lakes Thunderstorms opened ip as the park was closing. I was like three rides out in line. It was totally surreal watching folks go roaring through bolts of lighting in a steel coaster at 80 mphs. But we’re all a bunch of coaster addicted knuckleheads so we’re praying we get to go and risk our lives. Thank god some more prudent folks closed the park early bc that was getting dangerous as hell.

I LOVE Brad Holmes, man. Not as much as I love Chris Spielman but Chris might be my answer to that if you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive. And that has more to do with love and family and loss and dignity in the face of overwhelming sorrow then it does about the Lions.

Point being, this regime may not get it done but it’s the first group that i feel prideful about the prospect of going down the ship with them. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that of course.

That thing will beat the living daylights out of you.
Fun ride, though. Worth the bruises.

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I love coasters but am meh on the old wooden ones.

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That Toledo Zoo ain’t no joke!

I’ll never forgive Toledo for that damn war!

I had to move down near Columbus for work a few years back. If you like the Toledo zoo you will love the Columbus zoo. Typically it’s rated in the top five zoos throughout the country. Definitely worth the trip down.


Been there too. It’s amazing. Just always one of those “wait, Toledo has a zoo?” Yep. And it’s a good one!

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I wonder if Brad Holmes will take DC there someday….