Thoughts on golladay review

The last offensive play of the game. Is that just a Lionesk way go, crazy. Was obviously a catch, did the refs have a Christmas dinner to get to or what?

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My guess is that they are 5 fingers deep into the holiday “spirits”, heard it was the Lions, called incomplete, and then had a hardy laugh about it.


This one and the late hit OBs… Doesn’t matter now, didn’t at the time but HTF do you miss those calls.


Exactly…just HOW do you miss those calls, all the damned time? It isn’t just us getting hosed, either. Officiating has been pretty terrible all over.


Some teams get it more than others, though. We have to be the most screwed team.
That’s a “study” I’d happily pitch in for.

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The pass called incomplete it was also missed in New York, that is the real Mystery. The real mystery is the game wasn’t on the line the league didn’t need to screw the Lions, Must be out of habit.

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