Interesting stuff. From what a short googling will do, here is what the clubs, players and league makes from the playoff games.
League gets 15% of the gate of All Playoff Games. Dicks.
Player Pool- Pool is filled and then cut across each playoff team, with each team doling out as many full or partial shares of that cut.
Player Pool $ is comprised of
WC Round- 50 % of gate from All 3 games
DS Round- 60% of gate from Game 1-3
CS and WS rounds- 60% gate from games 1-4
Players get
WS winner 36% of pool
WS Loser 24%
CS Losers 12% each
DS Losers 3.25% each
WC Losers .75% each
Last year’s pool was approx $110m
WAG on Tigers playoff pay? Pool of $3.5m, so probably 75 to 100k per guy depending on shares given to injured, trade, Baez etc.
Teams get all the rest, so 25-35% of gate of the above games, 100% of gate of games beyond the series minimum, concessions/merch/parking.
Teams do split gate w visitor.
So the Tigers bank
35%/2 of the gate from both WC Games.
25%/2 of the gate from Games 1-3 of ALDS
85%/2 of the gate from games 4 and 5
100% of concessions and merch from Game 4
WAG of what that means to Illitch’s pocket?
Assuming- 150 a ticket, 35 a head for concessions and merch, and 35000 attendance in Cleveland, 41000 in Houston and 45000 in Detroit
Houston games 1-2 12.3m in total gate
so $2.15m in gate to Detroit
Games 1 and 2 Gate 10.5m+ Game 3 gate 6.75m
++$2.15m in gate for Detroit++
Game 4 a d 5 Gate $12m, so
++$5.1m in gate for Detroit++
++1m in Game 3 and 4 concessions and merch assuming 1/3 rev split to Tigers from sales.
So, without any TV stuff, which there may or may not be, Illitch added $10.5m in revenue, before any expenses like extra groundskeeping materials, payroll, insurance, taxes, other accounting BS.
So, my best guess is they added $8ish Million profit over and above normal seasonal operations.