Time for drastic measures!

It maybe time for fans to begin thinking “outside the box” & consider drastic measures in an attempt to rid this franchise of one-half century of torment. The football gods have obviously ratcheted up our suffering this year with novel ways of losing; losing by blowout no longer seems to appease them. Thus HUMAN SACRIFICE needs consideration but I realize it is unlikely we will get any volunteers to test my theory. My fallback plan is a little more reasonable; I plan on using my granddaughter’s old raggedy Ann doll as a substitute & will be placing it on my bbq grill at 6 p.m. (EST) this evening & roasting it while chanting “ please leave us” 100 times. I’ll be looking for a miraculous win, in the near future, as an indication of success.

A post was merged into an existing topic: No, seriously, where is the first win for the Lions coming from this season? (week 5 rant thread)