To many in the national media:

Still think Campbell is a meathead?


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File this under, ā€œWho Gives A ā– ā– ā– ā– ā€.


Who is she first of all, and when does she submit her apology?


For a long time, she was the sidekick to Colin Cowherd.

She should stick to making sandwiches.

Taylorā€™s brother is former NFL defensive end Jason Taylor, who played 15 seasons in the National Football League and was voted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2017.

Not a particularly flattering picture in the OP. This one is more representative:

Amazing that a relative and a big rack makes one relevant these days. Crazy what constitutes an expert. Campbell has a decade as an NFL player, under some very good, if not eccentric coaches, and another decade plus as an actual NFL coach and she erroneously questions Danā€™s leadership and ability? Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d want a sandwich that she made.


She wasnā€™t the only one:

Jim Trotter

Been tied up. Just got to my phone. Lots of messages about the Dan Campbell press conference. I click on a link ā€¦ first thought: I donā€™t ever want to hear that a Black coach didnā€™t interview well.

And even before he joined the Lions, media flacks were wrong about him:


That was tweeted on June 3, 2021. Lots and lots of evidence since the kneecaps presser and racing helmets has come in. And now itā€™s ā€œDonā€™t you wish your coach was a freak like Dan.ā€

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Not going to get into the ā€œhow do they know they never played the gameā€ thing. But I will say this, many in the national media think that the ideal coach has to be a guy like McDaniel or McVey. Cerebral, egg-head types rather than the player coach. Listen to the opinion of former players about Danā€”they love him. Itā€™s the ā€œI never played the game before but I know a lot about itā€ types that didnā€™t fall in love with Campbell. The problem was they didnā€™t bother to listen to him beyond the kneecap quote. If they had, they might have been a little less wrong about him.

Campbell may not have been right for every team, but I think he was right for the Lions. Campbell never comes across as a ā€œIā€™m smarter than youā€ type.Patricia certainly did.

I will also say that given his personality, I think Dan would make a great college coach. If 30 year old grown men at the pro level are ready to run through a wall for him, what do you think college kids would do for him?

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Only the ones that want to win. :wink:

She probably fails at that too!

But football IQ-wise, he is.

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Even Russell Wilson has a check down call named after our coach.

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