Today's player media sessions - Great Jamo interview amongst others

I posted this in the Jamo-hater thread. But there are several great interviews here.

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Didn’t this moody angry a-hole get cut!? :laughing:


I will add this for coverage of today’s camp from Deion

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Might as well throw this here too. Great AG interview.


Loved the Jamo interview, worth a watch!

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Marvin still looks like a middle school kid. LOL…him & Joe Burrow. Guys can’t buy beer.

Holy ShiiiT…Jonah had a baby! was unaware men could do that!
I like the guy, for sure! more great energy for the brotherhood.

JaMoss wants to be the best…I believe him. he’s going to learn that it takes more depth of soul than he has had to access in the past. he has the guts for it…if his emotions/ego can handle it.
I really do believe in him. Very thankful we have him. I think he’s a harder worker than most ppl would guess. Guy looks really happy to be here. really unique energy.
He has relied on talent his entire life…he has some learning to do.

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