Tomorrow's Games!

What are you dudes most excited to see, tomorrow - in and outside of the Lions game?

Lions vs 49erz
McNeil & Levi - hoping Alim can go full-on “Hulk Smash” mode, and that Levi can be a serious disruptor.
Barnes is a big X-factor. Feels like he’s athletic, fast, comes with bad intentions, and seems smart enough. We shall see.

Packers vs Saints 4:00
Rams vs Bears. 8:20

Get to do some scouting reports within the division, and watch them live. going to be a pretty entertaining day of football!

I’m also really curious to see how J-Will does in Denver, as well as Jeudy.
And I also feel like the Vikings could be good again. Lots to be revealed.

Almost forgot - I’ll be keeping an eye on Buffalo too. Love what they’re doing over there.



Coming out of the gate locked in as a team to start the season.
Looking forward to seeing our Defense with a pass rush.

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Actually, looking forward to Chi/Rams. Don 't really know why…


Too bad they can’t both lose


The fact that I’m going to be at the Jets vs Panthers should be a clue. In a twist of fate I checked my mailbox today and there was an offer from XM Radio. I’ve received a bunch of these over the years but they all seem to be similar to the same thing. Not this one. This one was lower than I’d ever seen them offer. So I jumped on it. Now I can listen to the Lions game in my earbud while watching the Panthers game.

The football god’s were smiling upon me I guess. I have Sunday Ticket (and gamepass to watch later) but the idea of holding a phone in front of me to watch the Lions during the Panthers game seemed odd. Now I can just keep my phone in my pocket with one earbud in and listen to the action. I won’t miss the live action and can catch the details later on GamePass. #winning


Feel like you pretty much covered it. I do want to see the new look running game and the WRs and how they use them.

Rams/bears… wow. I don’t know how to feel about that one. I’ll watch some of it for sure, but that is some serious emotional conflict.

I feel like I am going to be heavily invested in the Rams this year. I don’t think the Lions are going to be great, but I do like the direction we are going. I also know we need to root for the Rams to suck, so we can get a high pick, but I can’t root against Stafford


The Rams and Stafford are not mutually exclusive. You can root for Matt to play well and for the Rams to lose. Its literally happened every time Stafford has played well for us. Matt can play well and put up numbers but still lose. That’s my target.

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I’m sorry, but no one should be rooting for the Bears ever (save for when they’re playing the Pack, perhaps). Bean number is not a good excuse.


The 2021 Detriot Lions are not winning the division or going to the playoffs. In that light the Bears don’t mean as much as the Rams.


bookmark it… write it down… screen shot it.

I agree… Lions are not going to the playoffs this year.

I want Green Bay, Chicago, and Minny to all beat the Rams. I will root for Rams to lose every game for the next 2 years.

But that is not a bold statement amirite?

Does it even need to be said? So if you do say it there is always the chance someone is going to take you to the window and cash you out if you are wrong. That’s me. I buy low.

True… you might get a hot take 1 day.

But if ya buy 100k shares of a stock at a penny each… and the company folds…ya still spent $1000 for nothing.

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I’m thinking there will be RGD (Rams Game Drama) in here every week.

You and Nora Jones would get along, quite well :wink:

Resourcefulness, my bro! Good schyyyiiit!
I’ll be interested in hearing your thoughts after the game, for sure.

Same - there will be Rams Game Conflict (RGD) every week in the Den… The Stafford debates will last at least 5 years after that handsome MF’r retires.


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Completely agree with all of this - internal conflict. Really do want to see Stafford win too though. I just feel like he’s been underrated. I was pissed when Akers went down in preseason. I’d just like to see what’s real. Some will always say Matt sucks if his team docent’ win, even if he threw for 2,000 yards/game with a 115 qb rating.

I’d love to see the guy win. I do have conflict over it, for sure.Would love to see Detroit get 2 top 10 picks next year. Would love to see the Lions win every game. Would love to see the Rams lose to us in the playoffs or win the SB if we aren’t in. All of these things cannot happen simultaneously. I am choosing to look at it as win/win.
Rams win …Awesome!
Rams suuuuuck…Awesome!

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Let’s not forget when Nelson shows out we are gonna get another two 1st rd picks for Decker, so we have 4 first rd picks coming up!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I’m not sure when you became a Lions fan if you think you are going to be able to come back with “I told you so’s” on this team being overly successful. Individual player success is the only variable to debate here. Team success doesn’t exist. Welcome to Detroit.

Good point and yeah i don’t mean to discount the layers of decomposed Lions fans that have accumulated over decades. But how else out of this mess besides being overly hopeful?
Being honest- I notice a pattern with you where sometimes you go for the buzz kill rather than responding in a fun or informative or welcoming tact. I don’t doubt your veracity nor your powers of intellect but sometimes the big swinging dick comes out a little early

Sure you can run me with me with your mod powers for coming back at you a little bit here but I’m going to wager you acknowledge some constructive criticism and come back better.