Topic of JSN @ WR

grill me if you want, I do not see JSN being the goat WR, I see he’s being super hyped…but I would rather have a WR with more experience, more PT , more production/Higher production , that has done more at The college level . I’ll gladly eat Crow if I am wrong…I have been wrong and mistaken in the past and will admit when I am. but we will see what transpires in The Draft.

Sounds to me like he needs to work on his hands first.

funny since he out produced JSN -yet JSN is sounding like some WR GOD here lately.

the funny thing is that many offenses utilize more than 1 slot WR on the same play! Let’s look at the Dolphins… who have Hill and Waddle both play a ton in the slot.


49ers and Rams….




and even the 2022 Lions…. had over 1500 slot snaps…
by WRs… on less than 1100 snaps. That means they had 2 Wrs in the slot in the same play about 40% of the time.



You literally must not have watched much your trying to use a stat sheet that is telling you the rie story. And if you watch and don’t see a difference in there hands, then someone have mercy on your sole.

like the fish? :laughing:



or the bottom of his shoe? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


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kiss his butt then it doesn’t interrupt my world and only the time I have spent here this offeseason listening to it. you like JSN with the other band of his lovers, I don’t. that’s all there is to it. HE just doesn’t get me excited AGAIN maybe I am wrong and he is a great playmaker , but we all got to wait and see… I don’t draft , I get to watch it on TV.

There is so much more to evaluations than stats.

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to ALL of you here. I have BEEN a stat guy my entire (time here in The Den) , no that is not ALL I go by, but I have always come here for my love of team. later on , it became because of posters here to, both past and present, how this place is ran & who it is ran by.

I never played football in any school, I just became a fan of The Lions as a child, now a 50-year old bigger child. lol
, I care about your thoughts, they are AS important to me as my own. I hate arguing, we all are going to have our own favorite players and Draft prospects, now and in the past, I just give my simple opinions, because…well that’s all they are. I like The drafts , but I don’t know who WILL be picked or when, and yup I get my heart set on certain prospects to (The good Lord knows) , but I don’t DO the drafting I think about who I like and want each draft and watch it on TV. sometimes, I know I have bad days and I get angry when posting-or at what is said -rarely- , but you all have your set of opinions , I have mine. that simple really because we are not ALWAYS going to agree on things…though I hand out thousands of likes here. this is a special place on the internet, THE BEST. but I just get my convictions and tend to stick to them lol . It’s all fun for me, like a hobby, but I try to do the best I can when I am here.

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yes I know I do use other factors-but I use stats a lot because the tell you what each player did at -X- time , it’s all recorded and facts of what each player did or HAS done …before, I can look at them, and not rely on my horrible memory lol , that’s why I lean on them a little.

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