Schefter is right 99% of the time because it’s part of the relationship between the league and the broadcaster paying them billions to have ESPN breaking legitimate news. Just look at Schefter’s feed today detailing who’s active and who isn’t, front offices and coaching staffs talk to him all the time, or the free agency news he breaks. He cites “sources” and everyone knows it’s someone on the team or representing the player.
I’m just curious where you read or heard that there were heated discussions between Brad and the Browns? It’s one thing if it comes from someone who’s right 99% of the time and another if it comes from someone who barely ever breaks news. That’s how I gauge reliability anyway.
The thing is….fan don’t want media talking heads to ever “be right” about anything. It’s a built in hatred of media personalities that fans have developed.
I’m kind of over the media hatred in general. Sure there are some unsavory and disappointing aspects but the fourth estate serves an important purpose in our society.
A Babylon 5 character.
He’s one of many identical twins named, Zathris, Zathrus, Zathros, Zathres…
Zathrys is good at the doings, not so good at the understandings, but, very good at the doings.
I have no insiders anymore. Just 56 years of being a fanatic, but, Zadrus also very good at the listenings.
Reread it.
So, who is it going to be?
I’m not against the right trade. Never said that. I’d also love to have Crosby. Don’t think it fits the formula.
Arden Key is another I’d love to see in a Lions uniform. I don’t think that’s going to happen, either.
I listen to what Dan and Brad say about their vision, and, I simply take them at their word.
If they would only serve that purpose. Unfortunately, they can’t. They’re owned by the rich and powerful. Like all employees, you do as the boss says, or, bye bye.
I think it’s important we don’t paint with broad brushstrokes. There are good journalists both independent and within the mainstream. There is a lot of crap as well. And then there is the disinformation crisis that we are barreling into at breakneck speed. It’s complicated but like every profession there many ethical, talented journalists out there.
This is true… I’ve seen several journalists cast out of their mainstream organizations for not falling in line and then being labeled as extremists or harbingers of misinformation. It’s sad… Luckily there are people out there invested and deticated to an open and free exchange of ideas, both good and bad… Thanks Elon/Substack.
I pity people who fall in line and say/do things they don’t believe in out of fear… I get it, but couldn’t do it myself.