Updated Lions depth chart

Four rookie starters on defense.

Josh Paschal, now a starter–Charles Harris, now a backup.


Might as well get all the rookies on the field! Harris basically lost his job due to injury though, he hasn’t played in close to a month.


Damm that DT position might be the worse I’ve ever seen, one marginal starter and the rest won’t make most teams. Yikes


Chuck Darby, Cory Redding, Langston Moore, Andre Fluellen, Landon Cohen, and Shaun Cody was worse.


But they had a lot of GRIT!! It’s not easy to lose 16 straight football games, but those men were up to the challenge!! Had it not have been for those men with sharp shovels we may not have been able to draft Matt Stafford!

The best part of that was we went 7-9 the year before and thought we’d get better by trading away our best player, We got a 3rd round pick for Shaun Rogers, and then had the 2nd worst defense in nfl history without him.


Damn when you look at the depth chart in black and white, it’s hard not to be struck by just how bad this roster is


Agreed, although it would be a bit better if half the team wasn’t on IR.


Absolutely but injuries are a real thing, as we know. Having good depth is key. However it’s not even like the Lions just lack depth - they lack starters too. That defensive depth chart even with the starters is woof-tastic


Yep, the only positive spin I can come up with is it’s 4 rookies in the starting lineup…maybe they’ll improve. The vets on defense are just hot garbage.


That was another dumb Millen move. Millen could’ve traded Rogers to Miami for a low 1st Rd pick [No. 32 overall], but Millen wanted an active player in the deal, so when Cleveland offered CB Leigh Bodden & a 3d Rd pick, he liked that deal better. Lions ended up taking DT Andre Fluellen with that pick.


We’re starting 4 rookies. That says all you need to know.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see Houston start by seasons end. The tank is on, anyway. Can he really be that much worse than AA (although, Rodrigo will slide into his spot), and then, does it matter. Get the kid some experience and prep him for next year.
Maybe they can show some true grit next year climb up to a top 30 defense. At least become ankle biters.

Depth chart?
Isn’t this the updated “lack-of-depth” chart?

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Buggs is hot garbage. I’d rather put Brockers in and that’s not saying anything about how bad Brockers is.

That chart does look sad.

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I agree, Buggs is not an NFL player. They really just didn’t give a F about the DT position this year.

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another loss.

A couple things stand out to me. WR’S, where’s Reynolds? Three receivers and two tight ends, hope Sudfeld is wearing his track shoes.

3rd string Logan Stenberg and Austin Bryant, why are we even bothering employing these guys?

Yeah they are both terrible. The 4 DT’s listed on our depth chart that have played almost all the snaps have combined for 0 sacks and 3 QB hits in 7 games and we give up 5.1 yards per carry in the run game. The secondary is garbage, but DT is the worst overall position group on the team. What’s sad is many of us have been pointing this out all offseason, and they did nothing to address it, except some waiver claims. Buggs and Benito Jones are getting tons of snaps, these are guys who got cut by their former teams and no one wanted. We get zero interior pass rush, QB’s just sit there and have all day to carve up the secondary. Alim is the only guy of the 4 of them, that is worthy of an NFL roster spot, and he’s an average starter at best and needs to lose about 30 pounds.


I thought it was all scheme?! I heard with the right coach we could take this team to 10+ wins!? :thinking:

Logan Stenberg is straight trash. He can’t even beat out Evan Brown???