Video Interview: DT Alim McNeill ready to potentially play offense if needed

Media from camp reported Sorsdal working more at tackle than last year. I think he’s a swing T/G backup for the season, Skipper being depth behind him.

All reports are saying Levi looks good this off season, he’s finally had a healthy year. I think Manu gets plucked if he’s on the PS.

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There’s a 50/50 chance they both make the roster for sure. We kept 5 IDL two years in a row and could do the same this year.

My question comes in at how many Edge guys we keep and guys like Commish and Paschal move in to 3T on about 20% of the snaps. With that in mind how many 3T’s will we actually carry?

Because of Paschal I’m thinking we might only keep 2 true 3T’s.

Reader, and McNeil are locks. That leaves 3 left max.
BroMart is the backup NT and either Levi or Manu will be the backup 3T. Let’s assume it’s Wingo for a moment. Putting Levi on the bubble.

Then look over at Edge and ask yourself will we keep more than 10 DL in total? If the answer is yes then I think Levi is in. If the answer is no then the choice comes down to keeping Betts, Levi, Peko, etc.

Those last couple roster spots are going to be difficult this year as we have to decide between some tough cuts.

That’s barring that no one is on IR before the season starts.

The scary thing is they are the same age.


Our defensive line could REALLY bust out this year.

Alim has shown flashes but if he can take that next step to be dominant week after week, our defense has the potential to be a really good unit.

Reader/Alim/Martin/Wingo/Levi at DT
Hutch/Davenport/Cominsky/Paschal/Houston at DE

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I assume you mean Wingo?

I don’t think Commish or Houston are locks to make the roster.

Just a guess…

DT - McNeil, Reader, Wingo, BroMart, Levi
DE - Hutch, Davenport, Paschal, and two of Betts/Cominsky/Houston/Agude

Yeah miss typed

I think Houston is (by far) the front-runner of the latter four.

You think Levi has a better chance than Cominsky or Houston to make the roster?

I dont know I was thinking Cominsky and Houston were locks and Levi was on the bubble.

I think it all comes down to who is healthy near the end of camp. Houston coming off a snapped ankle, Levi has had serous back surgery in the past, Paschal been banged up a bunch. Reader has had 2 torn quads. Etc, etc. In a perfect world, they are all healthy at the end of camp but the odds are slim. Roster decisions seem tough in June, but injuries are going to happen which often makes roster decisions a lot easier.

With the new IR rules…pretty easy to stash a guy and then have him return later in the season.

Technically they could leave Reader and Houston on the PUP list and bring them along slowly if they choose too.

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I think it’s possible… you don’t win Super Bowls in September. We need those 2 going wild come December and January.

And February :laughing:

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I want to see a goal line package with 23 personnel.

Goff qb
McNeil fb
Montgomery rb
LePorta TE1
Wright TE2
Hutchenson TE3

Call it goal line bully ball.

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Excited Hell Yeah GIF by UFC

Jeff Risdon had your back on Sorsdal as the swing tackle. He also thinks Netane Muti will make the 53 as one of 10 OL kept.

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Try Alim at RB and Manu at FB.

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And Doctor Love under center. :wink:

Yes, from all accounts that I’ve heard, Levi has looked very good this spring. Cominsky was asked to take a paycut for a reason, if they cut him it’s $1.7 million in dead cap, but would give Detroit $2.5 million in cap savings. Houston is a hyper specific player, he doesn’t offer any versatility, which is something this staff values. He’s cheap though, he’ll probably stick. Cominsky does play special teams more than Levi, so that gives him an advantage there. If I had to guess the order of who’s most likely to make the roster… I’d say it’s Houston, Cominsky, Agude, Betts… And Levi above all of them.