Video Interview: DT Alim McNeill ready to potentially play offense if needed

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Love the 70 yard promise.


Read in Dan Miller’s voice…

“Touchdown Detroit Lions, Alim the dream baby”



Following a block from Manu in Jumbo formation.

I just want to see Manu knock people over.


Using Manu as the 6th Olinemen in the heavy package I think is very likely. He’s far more athletic than Skipper. He can really run and has a basketball background. Line him up beside Sewell. That’s about 700 pounds of beast mode.


Bald excellence!

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Sewell will be an amazing mentor.

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Oh Yeah Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

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I think you’re going to be disappointed… I don’t think we’ll see Manu active on game days, he has a looooooooooooooooong way to go before he’s ready to play in a game.


Delayed gratification has its own merits.

Fake Punt McNeil

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U might be right. But why would I be disappointed?

Who’s going to be our FB?

Could you imagine a DL like Levi or McNeil there?

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Football Sport GIF by Detroit Lions

Because you won’t see it this season?

Would like to see that.

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I honestly doubt Levi and Manu both make the roster. So I’m expecting him to be part of the 3T rotation.

I’m guessing we keep two 3T and two NT.

Oh I see… no that wouldn’t disappoint me. I just think it’s a possibility. People forget Skipper wasn’t even the original 6th olinemen in jumbo, that was Matt Nelson, then he got injured. Skipper was on the practice squad. Now Manu might not be ready as you say, which could be true. But who else is active on game days to be a backup tackle? Skipper has 0 career starts at tackle. Perhaps we add a vet tackle yet.

Imagine if the Lions put Alim and Manu in the backfield for the tush push.
Would have to put a flak jacket on Goff to keep him from getting squished.

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That’s where Hooker comes in to turn a few tricks on 4th and inches.