VIDEO: Jared Goff delivers jaw-dropping, ‘no-look’ pass vs. Buccaneers



In the game thread I posted “OMG that was Stafford like” or something akin to that as soon as it happened.


Yea that was one of my favorite plays when I saw the video elsewhere. His feet are set to throw to his left and then he throws middle of the field.


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first time I heard the verbiage “trust the ball” was Kurt Warner’s WRs talking about how he tells them exactly where to go with ball placement…even throwing super-low to avoid hits at times…essentially telling them “catch it and get to the turf”. Fitz, Boulder and the guy from Michigan that they had or awhile(Cardinals) were talking about it.

LOVE how nasty Jared is with his fakes…he’s gotten so much better with them since he’s been here. Fake hand-offs, pretending ot have the ball after handoffs, looking off defenders…all of it. He’s really grown a ton in that area.

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I mean, the depth and the accuracy of that no-looker is insane…not isn’t stafford like that ■■■■■■■ Goff.


Goff is becoming a Super Star, in Siberia!


Goff doesn’t throw pick 6’s you silly goose. :wink:

There’s something up alright

Happy Hour Beer GIF by Top Gun


I wonder if he can also throw sidearm?? Then maybe he could be an above average starter???


Goff is awesome, love how he plays!


@DetroitStrong with us being down so many RBs…are you being activated this weekend?

They called but want me to wait til closer to the playoffs. Said they are gonna give the young rookie a chance first since the games aren’t critical level yet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

They did say stay in shape, don’t leave your couch and keep smoking those Marlboros though!

cigarettes smoking GIF



gold GIF

Lolol pipe and a crepe?

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I think the QB School’s video of the play did it more justice.

It wasn’t really a no-look. Similarly effective, but not. Stafford’s no-lookers deserve their appreciation for what they are. Goff’s base following his eyes and then throwing from that turned base makes this pass deserving of appreciation on its own merits.


Goff is making himself a shit ton of money. He’s getting more expensive by the week.

Seriously…what do you guys think his contract extension would look like money wise? 45 to 50mill per season?


Sorry to quibble, but his fakes have been outstanding for a very long time. I noted it myself in his LA days, how conscientious he was about that part of his game relative to most other QBs. Of course, play-action was a huge part of the Rams’ offense then, so it made sense for him to be disciplined about carrying those fakes thru.

In general, now that he and the Lions are more successful, people are appreciating more elements of his game that actually, have ALWAYS been very good-great.

Jared IS playing very, very well, and important parts of his game - like his ability to read and manipulate defenses - are better than ever. Which makes sense, since some things naturally improve with experience. But, again, a lot of what he’s being praised for now was in place two years ago. A lot of folks just couldn’t see it - or refused to.

S’all good. Plenty of room!

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I never watched or cared about what he did in his LA days though. I’m merely talking about what I have seen with my own eyes since seeing him play here.

Hs first year with us, he was more focused on staying alive than carrying out fakes, and I get that…buuuuut…his fakes are looking pretty 10/10 as of late, and they didn’t used to here (at least not consistently). I did comment on this last year too…so I did notice it last year. Allz’i’m saying is he as improved tremendously since his arrival…& my main area of concern is the area he has improved the most…Leadership.

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