Want to give a huge shout out of appreciation for Hutch during The KC game*

Hutchingson busted his @$$ disrupting the KC line and trying to knock Patty M on his backside. I often wondered -where are the other pass-rushers. Proud of the job and all the extra effort Hutch gave the team, the fans, and for his family-who was at the game !


Hutch sure has some kind of motor. That said, Harris really did nothing all game except draw a holding penalty. Houston needs those snaps. He is twice the pass rushers Harris is. Hutch looked good inside. Gotta get someone inside who can push the pocket and break down against the QB.


I really want to see if someone in the media asks DC or someone in the NFL’s league office about their lack of awareness of Jawaan Taylor’s egregious cheating for literally the entire game. I want to see some REAL reactions to this. It was insane.


He’s was close to getting to Mahomes tonite, much like last year. With some time, he will be able to make those plays.

Mahomes the best at escaping. Hutch will get to qb’s like cousins that dont have that ability. His pressure tonite forced some rushed throws, which is big.


And that was with the refs basically allowing holding on Hutch except for one penalty we declined


Reminds me of Jared Allen. Similar builds, and just relentless.


Michael Scott Wink GIF

I get the refs not wanting to throw a lot of flags and appreciated a relatively penalty free game. But I did get super irritated when they called false start on us. The Chiefs did it literally. every. snap.


Did anyone get an answer as to why we declined the free 1st down?


we took the yards over the down. Which I think was a suss call. I think it was a five yard penalty auto first down and the play we ran net seven yards. So we took two yards over an extra down

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Ball control move. Easy to get 3 yards in 2 plays. Eats more clock along the way. Shows faith in your guys.


hmm. I still take the first. That opens the playbook more. Also I think accepting the holding penalty on Hutch was a bad call. I’ll take 4th and long over 3rd and longer

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Truthfully, I didn’t see much fancy shooting from the playbook. A real nice fake run, te screen, but outside of that…smash mouth football. I only saw the end of the third plus the 4th though.

I think this was just a meat n potatoes game where they wanted to munch clock, keep Mahommes quiet, and keep the crowd quiet.

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There was some nice play action and deep crossers. I would have liked to see some bubble screens because KC kept bringing pressure

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who says Goff can’t pass for more than six yards per attempt-Jared put that notion to bed tonight.


I thought the same thing. Why can’t anyone else get home? Our DTs were gassed and Maholmes extended plays. Hutch played relentless and I thought Paschal played well. Harris did set his edge most of the time and did draw a crucial holding penalty. I do understand why we sat Buggs. The big guys are useless against Maholmes. I’d like to see Houston get more snaps in passing situations.

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The league is going to let teams get away with penalties that protect the QB. For better or for worse, that’s what the game is about now.

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He was being cheated on, all game!
Congrats, Hutch, for not sacking a few officials!

I hope he understands too… there are games when his skills will be very needed, and I hope he doesn’t bring a bad attitude to the rest of the season.

He’s one of 4 actual DTs on this team… we are going to need him in a good head space!

It’s not hard to avoid a single leak, multiple leaks would make Mahomes job so much tougher. That was my frustration. I’m still frustrated this morning really, and we even won. Just think if we had Houston and Carter going with Hutch last night, we would have been all over that dude.