Want to Pay Cash? That’ll Cost You Extra

Most conversations in people’s lives take place outside of message boards, which is the best way to communicate with one another. I was referring to this venue.


Agreed, I meet for coffee with fellows my age for coffee once a week or we golf and chat. A lot of productive conversations happening. Its great to see the evolution happening. More folks have a light going off now.


I’d only suggest similar conversations with people outside your age group as well. I’ve learned and had to adapt a lot with the younger generation. Perhaps you already are, which is great

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I have 3 boys at home and I also speak to their friends. Even among the young there is a generational shift happening now among the Gen Z kids. They can see and smell the BS that has happened. Its great to see.


That’s good to hear. A lot of people up here in Canada still sound asleep. Got a few neighbors that just repeat what the TV told them over and over again.

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That’s good. I know I find people to be interesting, even when I don’t really understand them. Anyway, I hope your family is doing well.

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Already happened…or tried and struck down recently. Topic of what it is off limits, google around.

Not really. An ugly double digit % of federal spending is debt financed. Which will never be repaid.


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The AI is gonna ban you Weasel. It’s taking over.

robot destroy GIF by VICE En Español


Weaselbot v2.2 is terrifying


They will try again.

The feds are already tracking gun and ammo sales through credit card companies and banks. It’s a defacto purchase database. It will only be 10x worse for all kinds of products in a cashless society.

Hypothetically, 10 years from now, if you’re obese, don’t even think about buying a large pizza. You will have access to your funds cut off. (Satire? Who knows)

And during power outages, how do you pay for food and necessities? Who is willing to trust our ancient grid here? Cashless infrastructure makes targeting via EMW even more effective for our domestic and global enemies.


This may be a blessing in disguise…:joy:

I Love You Reaction Gif GIF by Death Wish Coffee


Right, it could be used as a tool against the rising healthcare costs.

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And it’s not just the tracking they’re after. They want your data. In today’s world, data = $$$. They will continue to collect every piece of data they can on you and sell it to the highest bidder. Imagine a world where your data belonged to you and if you could profit off it yourself.

Unfortunately, most legislators wouldn’t even know how to get to the Den and register an account, let alone know how to handle technological issues like this.


I’ve stayed out of this thread in hopes of not getting political, but…

nuclear explosion GIF

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Of course but AI Stevie sure can.

Anyways best to just have a laugh… life is much better that way. The new south park movie is hilarious… highly recommend. :laughing:

I think there is a $ spent on Ozempic / Future Metabolic Syndrome Cost savings x;y graph which I suspect a not too surprising crossover point to be made.

I mean, its a better solution than Carousel or Soylent Green…


I wonder how many people were mugged/pick pocketed before/during/after a game. We are talking millions of dollars in cash at your average ball game. You also have the “inside job” where I’m sure they lost a certain amount of cash every game.

Not that I agree with your underlying premise, but I do agree that tax evasion is rampant. >$600B 3 years ago, the majority from personal income tax

edited to shorten ugly url