Want to Pay Cash? That’ll Cost You Extra

Security isn’t good enough yet to go cashless. Until it is you have just as many problems.

There’s no reason to have fees. I feel it’s bad business and refuse to charge my customers a fee. I view the fees I pay (as a business to CC company’s) as just another cost and it’s ultimately in my price. There is no discount for cash and no fee to use either cash or CC’s.

Discounts for cash are so companies can tax evade and I find that practice dishonest and do not frequent those establishments or give my business to those who do that sort of thing.


Neither is the infrastructure.

  • cashless will never be “secure”. This is a myth …. I know cyber specialists and it’s a fallacy to ever think what is electronic is fail safe. Cash is much better

Imho - taxing isn’t supported by the constitution

Over spending in the government and mishandling that money flow is worse than income tax evasion imho

Get ride if the entire income tax system and go solely with a larger sales tax. Criminals as well as everyone else buys shit so you can’t escape that type of tax

But it will never be a perfect world either …

But we do have the lions!! As a distraction :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::heart::innocent::boom::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I tip exclusively in cash, always will until it can’t be done.


When you want to join in on the discussion so badly, but know you can’t.

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