Was Bob Quinn trolling us?

In the aftermath of Quinn being shown the door we’ve seen the roster moves that fans seem to remember most. Two of them that come up alot are Jahlani Tavai and Halapoulivaati Vaitai





Shining Stanley Kubrick GIF by Maudit

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You can’t spell tabor without B-A-T.


That right there… just … no words.
Batman Boucher.
And look at how thrilled everyone is to be part of that.


They look a lot like my family on Thanksgiving when I pour my fourth tumbler of Laphroaig at noon.


Smartest guy in the room. I want to beat him with that bat everytime I see that picture, eh. What a tool! Is he jerking it of?

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He’s bunting his draft pick. Perfect technique


That stuff is a bit too peaty for me…like “licking the moss off a rock near the lake” peaty…

But I can appreciate where you’re coming from! I love scotch.

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Going back to the draft commentary on Vaitai. Interesting they said some teams liked him alot and some teams thought he wasn’t even draftable.

Bob thought he was going to homer but struck out!!!

Why was he that polarizing as a big and athletic prospect? What’s the rub? And where were those teams in the 3rd and 4th round that said he had a 3rd round grade, LOL?

Not that it matters, but WTF was he doing in that picture?? It does make you want to punch his face.

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Yeah, its funny that none of the teams who had a 3rd round grade on him were willing to pull the trigger in the 3rd, 4th or even the 5th up to the point where the Eagles took him. On film he looks slow and plodding to me, so I don’t know where the athletic comment came from. I just looked up some of his draft profiles and those were projecting him to OG in the NFL because of his lack of athleticism.

I absolutely love the dude in the far back on the left, looking at him like, “I’ve done this job for 25 years, and this snot-nosed geek, looking like a d-bag with a baseball bat in the NFL Draft war room – a move he totally ripped off from the “Moneyball” movie – is my boss? He calls the shots?”


Agreed, it can be like biting into a wet piece of wood, but I’m a fan of heavy peat. If you haven’t, give Bruichladdich and/or Ardbeg a shot. Isle of Jura (12 Y/O or older) is pretty tasty as well. As Lion’s fans I think we deserve to numb ourselves occasionally. Cheers!!

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I’m glad he’s gone but he gets a pass on the beating for me. Only because he did leave us with decker, Jackson, ragnow, Swift, hockenson, Walker, Okwara, Fox. And he also gets credit for Golladay. He wasn’t a good gm but he also wasn’t Matt Millen either.

You guys are having to much fun with this post

Laphroig is the only bottle of scotch I have ever given away.

and I really like scotch.

Opie wasn’t bright enough to troll us brohammer.

I was trying to remember your description of it involving gauze.

used pressure bandage dipped in too much iodine disinfectant

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