'We Are Looking for Villains': Lions Have Transformed Defense

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The “villain” thing does absolutely nothing for me. Contrived and silly.

BUT, more important, I really like the picks and really like how Brad thinks about his work. In the rest of this draft - and down the road with other teams’ cuts - should be able to get some solid backups.


If that is the worst thing about Holmes, I’m thrilled.
Keep making the picks building the roster and winning and you can be the villain all the day long.


I get it but I disagree. It is an identity and a philosophy. They aren’t going to follow the pundits and the crowd. They aren’t going to do the safe thing to avoid criticism. They will push the envelope everywhere from unconventional player valuations to unconventional on field strategy


All good. But what about that makes you a “villain”?

Not worth further discussion in any case. Again, I love the substance of his work, don’t care for the label.


I’m with you. Next to his risk-taking w/talented-but-injured players, to me that is the worse thing about Holmes. Which is why I’m a huge fan. (But I do cringe a bit every time the “villain” thing comes up.)

I look at it as a single word to describe a combination of mindset, attitude, dedication, and desire that individual players contribute to the team as a whole. Its the same thing as dawg, grit, etc. in my opinion. I have no issue with it.


I’ll admit it’s a little silly and WWEish…but I get a chuckle out of him trolling the “experts” with the positional value stuff. They roasted him hard last year…and his picks kicked ass.

The villian hoody is a million times better than blue ski masks


I think it plays well with the players actually. What young, tough football player wouldn’t want to think of himself as part of a villain team? Think of the Raiders and Steelers dynasties of the past. Hell, look at the Bad Boys. Those types of monikers play right into the mindset of these youngins. It’s rather genius imo.

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Yep, I see it as Marketing and Legacy building. Like the Detroit Tough, Detroit vs. Everybody, Detroit Bad Boys, and many others I can’t remember.

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A really insightful poster here suggested that V-I-L-L-A-I-N has a meaning outside of the word itself. Brad has mentioned that it means something within the halls of Allen Park to the Scouting staff. It’s an inside thing that they’re keeping inside, but it’s not “villain” as in the dictionary word.


100% agree. Makes me want to vomit everytime I hear or see it.

Basically conjures cjgj smurf mask vibes.

Disaster in every sense.

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V Versatile??
I Integrity
L Love of game
L Leadership
A Adaptable???
I Internal fire
N Nasty


Sunday’s, when we steal the other teams lunch money.

That’s fine. But not of much use to the vast majority of us not “in” on the joke/whatever.

But, again, it pales next to the amazing substantive work Brad has done and continues to do.

Well, you take it further. I don’t see it as a disaster.

But I think it’s hokey, at best - poor judgment, at least - to associate Detroit or a mostly-Black team w/“villainy.” Grit, toughness, blue collar, passion, perseverance - HECK YA! Terms like those strike a totally different note for me. “Grit” rings true. “Villainy” - not so much.

In any case, you and I seem to be in a distinct minority, at least in this thread.

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It definitely isn’t what most think it is. Brad has said it was something that originated from the personnel department when they were scouting the “right” players. It has a much deeper meaning, and not just a “ooo we are the bad guys” or some cheap marketing ploy.

@Longinthetooth had the best breakdown of the deeper meaning.

Violent = Imposing will
Instinctive - Nose for the ball
Love of the game - passion to play
Leadership - on and off the field
Awareness - play recognition
Intelligent - learn and retain information
Nasty = grit

It may not be spot on, but it’s gotta be close. Guys have to check all of those boxes to be a Lion. No compromises. That’s what they mean when they say not everybody can be a Lion.


My thought is that it’s not supposed to do anything for anyone outside the walls of Allen Park. It means something other than the “bad guy” in a story…

I certainly don’t remember it being pushed like those blue ski masks…THOSE were a disaster. :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

cary elwes GIF



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