“We are who I thought we were… but that is OK”

My goodness did the mood in this forum change QUICKLY!

Yes we got our ass kicked today… Goff wasn’t sharp, our defense was god awful in every single way, and the coaches were a disaster!!!

So what? I told everyone this team wasn’t “there yet” and didn’t have the muscle in the trenches to be the “BULLY” every week-

Hobbled Decker, Big V and missing Jonah isn’t a recipe for winning the street fight. Monty being out is a recipe for a finesse and trick play strategy…. Not simply swap out physical guys for less physical guys and try to bully anyway???

Branch isn’t Ed Reed, he’s a rookie…. Campbell isn’t Fred Warner, he’s a struggling rookie…. Trying to get pressure from guys like Romeo and a banged up Paschal isn’t going to work against prepared teams.

  • that said we are 5-2 and could have a 3 game lead on the division. We should go at worst 3-2 in our division games…. That is 8-4-

New Orleans

  • I think we go 3-2 here as well.

If 11-6 and a division win isn’t good enough, then yall set yourselves up for disappointment. I was at 11-6 or 10-7 preseason, and we suffered more injuries than one could have predicted- so beating Baker, Ridder, Love, and Bryce Young didn’t change that….

  • Jamo can’t catch
  • our OL is good but not unbelievable
  • our pass rush is a one man show
  • our secondary is too beat up

I hope we we see a 27-17 game vs Vegas and a clean game by Goff- maybe some consistency from Jamo-


  • that’s a group that is tough to compete with talent wise right now.


  • this is about where we are, and where most would have hoped to be when season started.

Back away from the league… we need a CB, OL, WR, DE- high level one that is… hopefully one via trade, one in FA next year, and 2 in draft for SB run in 2024!


Pretty reasonable post.

My only counter would be you need to dream a little and realize winning a Super Bowl is not reasonable for anyone.

So you will need some magic. The best team on paper does not always win.

For example the Ravens are not as good as they looked today. And the Lions are much better.

But I have to agree the pass rush is a one man show for the most part and the secondary is now on fumes due to injuries. Hopefully the team can fix the CB situation at deadline and look to fix the DLine situation with maybe a rental. Let’s shoot for a home Playiff game and at least 1 win


That’s been my hope and goal since week one:)

After watching that Chiefs game, anyone think that the Chargers are thinking “ we QB” as Herbert is now 2-4?

Since Goff beat KC and Herbert just posted his own 68 rating today- what does LA do? The Chargers have same record as Denver- and yet Herbert is a franchise QB and Broncos are a joke?

  • trade for Burns, Hunter or Chase Young- I’d prefer one of the latter 2- likely a 2nd alone gets that done. Burns will cost more.

  • sign Desmond King and offer a 6-7th for Troy Hill to Carolina.

  • bring in Lenny Fournette

  • off a 3rd for Jeudy and a 5th….

We have Chase Young and Jeudy both on roster next year- both could fetch comp pick following year….

We give up both 3rds and get a 5th back.

Chase Young
J Jeudy

I would take that right now for next years draft class especially to have them this year too!


Good analysis.
Detroit is less than 2 years from being the league doormat.
Huge leaps forward to date but when you are missing key guys and you are playing a team that is on fire then this is the result.

A 12 plus win season is still a real possibility for this team and that would give them a home field game in the playoffs.

Strange flex. But okay. We have no idea what this season holds…why not just enjoy the ride.


Do you have a word quota in each post? Brevity is okay once in a while.

Thanks for telling us you were right.

It’s one game. It isn’t the season. We looked like trash and better rebound.

We still have needs in secondary and d line.


There are about 6 or so teams that can “reasonably” aspire to winning the SB and the Lions remain one of them. Their 13-4 record over the last full-season’s worth of games says a lot more about them, IMO, than the result of today’s game. I honestly don’t think that should be controversial.

Even very good teams can absolutely SUCK Any Given Sunday - and the Lions sure underlined the point today. But I see no reason to doubt that they remain a very good team, albeit one w/warts. But guess what? They have a LOT of company in their wartiness!


Recency bias in the NFL is kinda funny. Everyone wants to extrapolate far too much from individual games at a moment in time.

Need to knock off the Raiders and then rest and get healthy for the back nine.


Not everyone. In fact, so far I see a lot less Chicken-Little-ing now than we did after the Seattle loss. A few more wins in-between will do that, I guess.

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Fair enough, but by everyone I was referring also to fans and media around the league, not just here. And if it makes the OP feel like it make his evaluations correct, awesome.

Time will tell.

The OP had real concerns dating back to draft. I am not suggesting the sky is falling, the team is exactly where they should be in the process- many decided that beating on Jordan Love and Bryce Young led things somehow changed the trajectory.

QBHater is correct- far too much overreaction we to week, and unless it’s a 31-27 game that is close throughout, then a new “SB Fav” will be anointed by some in 3 hours.

Dan is still a top HC
Goff is still a top QB
Hutch is still a top defender
Amon Ra still a top 10 WR

The OL didn’t look agile, nor did it communicate or adjust well.

  • we should beat Vegas soundly, and if healthy, should compete well and potentially win on LA-

I wasn’t overreacting to the wins, or freaking out about Goff or DC today.

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I didn’t see that performance as representative of “who” DET has been over the last 15+ games. Shockingly uncharacteristic lack of teamwork in multiple units. I saw guys freelancing/pressing all over the place. Both lines fell like a house of cards because the pieces were moved around & cohesion lost.

Get back to one fist > five fingers & get healthy, DET will be fine,imo.


Two really tough road games against physical division leaders. We split 1-1

Thats not bad at all. Yea it was a bad looking loss but its not the end of the world. The team was tired and played like it.

Were 5-2 get to go back home and play a very beatable Vegas team then have a bye at the right time

The sky is not falling

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I think Baltimore ends up being a 13 win team. IMO they are very good and a threat to come out of that conference.

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Oh, that’s the one thing he has been.

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