We could have had 5 wins by now

5 games we lost or tied by 3 points or less. Just one more play in each of those games and we could have been 5-6 right now. We just need to learn to finish games and make the plays at the critical times.


Or one play the other way we lose those by 7-10…

We are very much our record

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Only team that has lost 4 games after leading in the 4th quarter. With some breaks this team is as close to .500 as it is winless.


The plays all did go the other way and you see the results. The point is we need more playmakers


No argument here on our talent level.

It sort of an “if your aunt had balls she’d be your uncle” argument though.

If we had a better team we’d be a better team….

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No question there is a talent deficit on this team. The GM better make a splash at filling the holes on this team—WR and a pass rusher. A no.2 QB that could fill a number 1 for a bit would be nice as well.

Games are won by a matter of inches. One play, one less penalty, one less bad playcall, one less record-breaking FG, etc. We’ve lost a lot of games in the last 5 minutes or on the last drive.
It’s hard to fathom the odds of the other teams completing that one pass at the end of the game.

Yeah, we’re bad, the talent is bad, the coaches are making mistakes…and yet we’ve only lost 4 of our games by a combined 9 points. It’s almost harder to lose those games than win them and yet we’re still somehow doing it. And holy shit, if we were 4-7 right now, we would be probably better than most thought we’d be right now.

I’m not as doom-n-gloom as most but I do see the bad in us right now too.

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Yea, I’m satisfied with Holmes first draft and I hope he will get a de wr s lb g at least next draft. Not sure about a qb unless someone steps up or they find that hidden gem. Not sure how we are on cap space next year but maybe we get some help in fa also if we can


You know, us Lions Fans of a certain age were approaching this as a hypothetical that really only occurred in strip clubs in Bangkok.

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I agree and I’ll admit I’m somewhat of an optimist. I lost all optimism with mp and really am happier with how we are now than then. Bq left the cupboards bare and left us in cap hell, we have one of the toughest schedules this year and pretty much everyone is learning something new. And still with a little bit of luck or a few more plays we could be near .500. This team would have quit on MP by now but they are playing their asses off for DC. So there’s that.


I think Campbell needs to go. He is not improving on the mistakes he makes. Let Holmes hire is own guy because Campbell is not the answer.

Everyone keeps talking about the loses is all lack of talent , but is it the same talent and players on D that played well for the whole game then the last drive when the need a stop. They allow a team to drive what 80 yrds for the win. So the talent was good enough for most of the game just not the last drive ?
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And really, we’ve had 5 games end within a total of 9 points…still not one win, what’s even the chances?

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The ravens game was a win. Its not offical but dang it… that was a win


Lions math. It doesn’t require much. No calculator, no abacus - Just tears hope and ultimately despair

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The teams that we are grouped with point differential wise are all between 2-8 and 4-6. I think we’re probably playing like a 2-9 team.

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Weird I don’t see it in the win column especially after they gave up a 3rd & 19.

Yep! And there are still 31 failed teams at the end of the season…

Only one wins the Super Bowl

One Hundred Sgn GIF by SomeGoodNews

Well the chances of being killed by a goldfish are low but never zero!