We traded for Goff to give us flexibility right? What about Golladay?

Tagging him makes sense for the same reason. We wouldn’t have to take a reciever at 7 like lots of people think we would, and have ultimate flexibility. No one would know what we would be doing, and I think Holmes wants that so he isn’t outleveraged in any situation. Maybe that’s so he can make some kind of move?

Cam we even afford to tag KG?

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Sure, just show us how to pay for it if we can’t trade him.

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The restructure dance, that’s how.

That dance better have lots of splits and a bunch of guys on minimums.

Yes, the chorus will be very inexperienced

I’m not tagging him.

At this point, tagging Golladay, to me, is a no brainer.


What do you think the odds are that he remains a Lion?

50-50 . . . we haven’t really seen anything from Holmes or Campbell yet to get a sense of what they like/want to do. Only thing I’ve seen is, if you don’t want to be here, we’ll accommodate (Stafford). I have no idea.


Dislike diva receivers that post on twitter about how ‘that shit gone cost somebody’ when they make one catch for a losing team, then sit out the rest of the season.

Pay the money to a couple of other solid vet WRs that stay on the field.

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105 yards followed by another 114 yards is “making 1 catch?”

The bottom line is this. Quinn and Patricia sucked at their jobs and the Kenny Golladay situation ending up like it did is further proof. Even Stafford wanted out of this disloyal shithole, and he wasn’t making 3rd round pick money.


That’s the way I feel.

Yes and I have a feeling they will get a long term deal worked out once they do.

Probably one that has little cap implications in this season. Meaning a back loaded 4 year deal.

I have been in the tag and trade Golladay camp but I don’t think we’re going to trade him. I think he’s back.

I’m hearing we want him back too

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I think it’s around 75%… the only way I think he’s not back is if he doesn’t want to come back.

Rumor I’m hearing is that they want him back. So I expect that to happen… if Golladay and his agent are willing to play ball then I think it happens.

Curious, do you have inside information you are hearing or just reports out there?

I will ask the same question I just asked in another thread. When we have tagged guys in the past, did we end up signing long term deals with them?

That’s the word through the grapevine.

Since some of you haven’t met him,this is Air. :point_down:



The Lions haven’t used the tag a lot that I recall and the tag has changed over the years too.

But I don’t think Holmes would be afraid to tag Golladay twice and then let him walk if need be.

But to answer your question - let me know if I missed someone.

Ziggy, Avril and Redding all played on the tag then left.

Porcher, Blades, Moore and Brown all stuck around after being tag.

If we look at the Rams usage of it. They used it more than the Lions did.

  • 1998: CB Ryan McNeil
  • 2001: DE Kevin Carter
  • 2003, 2004, 2005: OT Orlando Pace
  • 2009: S O.J. Atogwe
  • 2016, 2017: CB Trumaine Johnson
  • 2018: S LaMarcus Joyner

McNeil turned down a 4 year deal with DET and signed a 1 year deal with the Rams who then tagged him. He played on the tag and then bounced around the league on one year deals.

Carter was tagged and then traded to the Titans.

Pace was tagged 3 years in a row before eventually signing a 7 year deal.

Atogwe was tagged and then signed a 5 year deal.

Johnson they tagged twice and then let him go via free agency.

Joyner played on the tag and then left via FA.

The Rams have never been shy about using the tag and forcing player to play under it.

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