Well, damn. Jared’s not prom queen, again.
I have a sneaking suspicion that hearing his name chanted every game and stadium he plays in, and games in other leagues, and sports, and concerts, is good enough for him.
The media is consistent, if nothing else.
■■■■ 'em and feed 'em beans.
They can kiss his ring in February.
I’d love to hear the reasoning for Rodgers. Probably goes something like, “we know what he can do with a good team around him.”
Hello! Goff is getting dinged for having a good team around him, you bunch of Dingbats!
Stats can lie, but, they’re not! Their bias proves them fools.
According to them, all the people on this list are ahead of him based on:
Arm Talent
Decision Making
Pocket Presence
“Steven Ruiz creates these rankings by first grading each quarterback along each of the six attributes. The overall grade is the result of a weighted average of those ratings. Accuracy and decision-making each account for 25 percent of the grade; arm talent is another 20 percent; and creativity, pocket presence, and timing make up 10 percent apiece.”