Week 4 portal to the other side ( Chiefs )


I post these out of interest in what the other side is saying - I do not make them to encourage trolling .


ā€œFrank Clark ****ing sucksā€ 555 replies :eyes:

this site look pretty busy its only Monday and they have a 8 page thread on Lions

and I thought lions fans could be harsh

Thats a shame. I was going to post a link to Warpaint Illustrated, it was a very active Chiefs forum back in the day. I realized now it was swallowed up, and swallowed alive by the mess that was 24/7 sports.

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That was an interesting read. Seems some of them think this might be a trap game for the Chiefs, while the majority think that the Chiefs are going to blow the Lions out of the water.

I believe that it is going to be a lot closer then they believe, but I cannot fault a fan for believing in their team over one that they know very little about.

That is a cocky bunch. Might be enough to make me root for the Patriots come January and I never root for the Patriots.

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This is trueā€¦ KC fans are an interesting group. For the most part they can be quite honest and blunt about their team. Since Mahomes though, youā€™d never know they lost the AFC title game. Youā€™d never know they lost any game for that matter. Not much different than KU fans. For such a ā€œdynasticā€ program, they have 1 title in recent memory and a much bigger history of choking in big games. Kinda like Michigan football fans in that regard.

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Lol, some very interesting commentsā€¦

-The ā€˜Patriciaā€™ last name one, a womanā€™s first name as a last nameā€¦

-Lions are the Bengals of the NFCā€¦ You heard of the team but know nothing about them other than they always suck! Lol chuckled at that one.

Iā€™m going to make a separate post highlighting one of their posters comments shortlyā€¦ Pay attention.

Iā€™m experiencing some serious schadenfreude over the KU basketball scandal.

Jesus, man. You posted one ā€˜doseā€™ exist instead of ā€˜doesā€™ on their board in reference to our board. Fix that, you are making us all look like rubes.

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I was sitting next to 3 KC fans at the bar on Sunday. The first 2 walked in and had on an Eric Berry and Priest Holmes jersey. Clearly real fans that have been around for a while. They were excited and nervous about the game, like real fans are on Sundays. The 3rd guy walks in with his brand new Mahomes jersey and hat. Heā€™s not nervous, and is talking trash about how many points the Chiefs are going to blow out the Ravens by.

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Theyā€™re certainly a cocky bunch. Guess that they deserve to be. Interesting reading.

I want to feel cockyā€¦ :thinking:

Cocky as Packer fans! https://www.chiefsplanet.com/BB/showthread.php?t=325486&page=3

Best comment there!

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Itā€™s funny to see people labeling them cocky. If we had Mahomes and the Chiefs accomplishments since he took over, including not scoring less than 26 points as a team in 20 gamesā€¦ this board would be flooded with optimism and cockiness.

We are a historically losing franchise, havenā€™t won anything in the SB era and are barely squeaking out games in 2019ā€¦ Yet almost half of the board thinks we beat the Chiefs today. Lol

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Thereā€™s a chap over there with 211k+ posts since '02.

Damn, step it up folks!

For me, it would depend on our opponent and their fan baseā€¦ Most teams Iā€™d be level headedā€¦ But there are those handful of teams that Iā€™d be all over! Lol

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