What 49 er fans are saying about the Lions

I didn’t realize how big of tools 49er fans are until I went to a couple of their fan pages to read their thoughts on the matchup.

I’ll start by several fans laughing and or wishing injuries on Lions players. Mainly our OL and TE group.

But here are some of the hot takes I read.

Goff sucks as a QB he is a turnover machine.
Goff can’t protect the ball. He makes poor decisions.
We will intercept Goff at least twice because that’s what Goff does.
Goff folds under pressure and that’s why the Rams got rid of him.
The Lions are a one sided offense. Stop their run game and you win. Goff can’t win it for them.

The Lions are a dirty team with dirty players.
Kirby Joseph is the dirtiest player in the league.

The Lions run defense sucks because they allowed Tampa to gain over 6 yards a carry.

The Lions are the media darlings and only made it this far because the refs favor and helped them.

The Lions are overrated and think they belong when they got man handled by both GB and Dallas.

The Lions had the easiest post season schedule lucky for them GB and Dallas had to face each other because both teams would have crushed them.

The Lions couldn’t beat either of the remaining AFC teams both KC and BAL will destroy them. Only SF is good enough to beat either of those teams.

The Lions secondary is bad. They let Nick Mullins pass for 400+ yards. Wait until they face Purdy. He will easily pass for 500 yards against that secondary.

The Lions are your typical dome team. They can’t play or win on grass.

Talk about disrespect…:. Those fans are a bunch of tools and they clearly haven’t watched much Lions football.

I spit my drink out when I read the line about how were media darlings and the refs favor us…. Lmao :rofl:


Let them say what they would like. I’m not confident that we will win but I’m confident that we’ll have the cocky parts of their fanbase nervous as hell going down the stretch.


Well we are about to find out ain’t we


Those fans are in for a long off-season.


Is there a specific board we can put to bed like we did with ChiefsPlanet earlier this season?

Yeah, I took a look as well. I realized that if Jared had landed in San Fran I could not have become a huge fan of that team for this reason (combined with the fact I know too much about the coach… . he is a proper a-hole). I listend to their pressers - they were hard to listen to.


Good for them.

The state of California sucks balls.


I’m not confident we will win either. Especially with a banged up OL but GB gave them all they could handle. They are beatable.

I get confidence and I respect that but that fan base is disrespectful and classless.

Gawd I’d love it if the Lions could knock that smugness off.


Live here. Can confirm.


Also with regards to Kerby…what the hell else is he supposed to do on those plays?

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What the country is saying about the Lions.


Message boards aren’t real life interaction. Never judge a group from what you see on social media.


I am expecting literally the best game we have ever seen played by a Lions team.

We are a team that can play bully ball. And I expect to see the Oline show the world what they are all about. 150-200 yards would not shock me. Yeah I said it. I think this team was truly built for this weekend. And they are about to show the world what it is all about.

Rams - bit nervous and not all there
TB - bit of a let down game (trap game)
SF - literally the game they have been waiting to play all year

I am expecting a game of the century out of this guys. So pumped for Sunday.


This will be their 4th try at this game in the past 5 years. Three time losers already. Some think that qualifies them a shoe in to win.
I say their fourth loss in a row should slam their window shut. And we are going to do it.
It’ll be a long off-season for them indeed. They should be getting used to it by now.

Clueless as they come. Must have interviewed only tent dwelling addicts.


They have loads of fights in the stands and outside the stadium among fans, I seem to recall over the years. SF has loads of culture and the surrounding area loads of high income folks in tech etc. Doesn’t seem to fit the city (the homeless go there because of the mild temps etc., sames as BC in Canada).

But their fans seem like they count some real winners among them.

I don’t believe this map. No way Utah, Idaho are supporting the 49ers.


I saw a similar map the other day for just the nfc championship and i swear it was all of the US except for california was rooting for detroit

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If it’s like the last map, they are taking hashtags from Xitter and tabulating them. So you have more active fans doing that, could be displaced Michiganders etc. So in the blue areas, people are tweeting #onepride etc more than they are for other teams.

Hard to know what the fans not doing that think.

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The train is rolling