What if Epenesa is there in the 2nd due to poor combine?

It’s possible he is still there in the second, but I would doubt it. Seems like a carbon copy of the kind of player they want at the position. I’d be cool w CY and Epenesa back to back picks.


I’d jump to the podium if we missed out on Young round one and be ecstatic to land a top level DE round two.

I like him and I highly doubt he makes it to us. I think him or Chaisson would be an immediate upgrade. But I doubt either make it to us.

I think Young will go to Wash.

I still believe our pick is going to be either Okudah or Brown in round one.

The guy I hope falls to us in round two is WR Justin Jefferson.


Okudah in the 1st and Espensa in the 2nd wouldn’t be bad especially if they sign an FA DT.

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AJ is the real deal, you just aren’t likely to see it right away.

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Couldnt get much better then that.


Epenesa seems to be one of those players where 3 is waaay too rich for him but he won’t be around when we come back around in the 2nd. If he does make it out of the first round, I’d be pulling strings to position myself to get him the 2nd…

Not bad? I’d be thrilled with Okudah and A.J.
Add a small trade down to 5 first and that’s pretty much my ideal scenario. Well that or Chase Young and Fulton/Diggs.

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I don’t get the talk of Epenesa having a bad combine. He had a bad 40 time. He tested at a pretty high percentile in the explosive and agility drills, and he has a great frame with long arms and big hands. I’d say he cemented his 1st round status and you are dreaming if you think he drops to the 2nd. Would I take him at 35? In a heartbeat.


Yeah if we can’t get Young , I’d be every bit as happy to have Epenesa.

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I’d take Epenesa at 35 even if we got Young at 3. But I’m a huge believer in AJ. I also think Young is best suited for the Jack role in our current defense


Young is not a Jack. He’s a true DE. He would play DE in our scheme. I am 100% confident in that.


This very well might be true, but there has been a lot of talk about this very topic amongst those who are a lot smarter than me. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :upside_down_face:Makes you wonder…

He rarely took snaps off ball at OSU and when he did is usually resulted in taking him out of the play. He’s a DE that’s where his strength is.

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“Jack” as a label has been WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY over-used and misapplied in Detroit.

Lawrence Taylor was a Jack. The Jack is:
Weakside Outside Linebacker on 3-4 defenses.
An On-The-Ball linebacker by default. (Takes snaps at the line of scrimmage)
Capable of dropping into coverage when called upon.
Capable of lining up as the 3-4 DE when called upon.
1st and foremost a pass-rusher.

What sort of makes Kennard a Jack here is his side usually has an interior lineman between he and the Nose Tackle. And with Flowers, there usually isn’t another lineman between the nose and him. (to be a jack, he’d need some help between himself and the NT to tie up at least the Guard)

Personally, I completely reject the use of the term. It has an established meaning in football. But, it’s cute to use terms like robber, jack, money, leo, blah blah blah, so people use the terms.

Trust your eyes. Just go with the common terms that we all hear every day by the pros in their wall-to-wall coverage of the NFL.
What is Young? He’s and Edge rusher. Every team in the NFL can use Edge rushers.
Where would we line him up? On the Edge.
Which side? Both.
Will he drop into zone? Yes.
Will he be asked to line up tight to an OT as 3-4 DE would? Yes.
Who is he most like on our team? Flowers.

At the same time, when you have a TRUE pass-rusher, the team has to scheme to use him differently. I wouldn’t expect to see an identical line-up that we currently use. I would expect to see more of a 3-4 look than we have been seing and for more scheming on the defensive right side to isolate Young on the OT where the entire OL is shifting protections, leaving Flowers 1-on-1 on the other side with a TE or an OT in space.


I think he’d move all over the place. We run a lot of three man fronts and I think lining him up as a 5T is kind of a waste. I think we’d stand him up a lot. I’ve heard multiple NFL writers say precisely that. Not about us specifically but stating that scouts feel like he can both play with his hand and the dirt and as an off the ball stand up edge.

So, I’m 100% confident that if we pick him he’ll do both.

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As I’m sure you are aware Kennard was a hand in the dirt DE at USC.

Stand up edge rusher … yes he did that a lot at OSU and was very good at it.

Off ball LBer … no that would take him out of what he does best. That’s my point.

Personally I think if we got lucky enough to land Young that he’d eat into Kenards snaps heavily. But into his pass rush snaps mainly.

However Kennard plays off ball and up on the line as an edge rusher. I don’t believe Young would play that same role. I’d suspect he’d start in Okwara’s spot in the 4-3 as a DE then also eat into Kennard pass rush snaps but not into is off ball snaps.

Think of it like this. Mayhew drafted KVN and then asked him to play off ball in space and he struggled. We trade him to NE and they move him up on the line and he takes off. KVN’s skill set wasn’t really off ball. Not exactly the same thing but similar. You get the idea.

I totally agree that you are wasting Young if his ears aren’t pinned back as often as possible.

To be honest, bud, I think this is another example in which we’re arguing two sides of the same coin. I was just trying to point out that using him like Okwara or Flowers are used would not be ideal.

I don’t consider it arguing just talking.

But yeah I agree.
