What the ...: OSU QB not allowed on stage post victory

What the hell is this about?


Is it possible they exceeded the number of people allowed on the stage? Like max limit
Couch should have kicked someone else off if that was the case

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Then perhaps the guy not letting him on the stage steps off the stage. But I doubt it, never, ever, seen this before.

Well it was something because it was obvious Howard was an OSU player

lol Ohio State

way to make your QB feel important

Those portable stages are built to hold alot more than what was on there. No reason to not let him on.

It was a weight limit issue apparently. It was going viral right after the game.

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Who cares it’s Ohio State :face_vomiting:


This is a glimpse into the life of the best longsnappers in NFL history. They are so good that people don’t even know who they are. Which is the best compliment of all.

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He eventually got on the stage. Someone got off, but he was up there when the offensive and defensive MVPs were announced.


Uncle Phil made a phone call.

lol what a nothing burger. Get a grip lady.