What you expect from Goff

I feel like some feel the need to stick up for Goff (and Matt too, for that matter…see what I did there?).
I felt like a poll could show some of the ppl that think the consensus hates on Goff could see the reality of what the board thinks.

  • Top 7 QB
  • Top 1/3 QB
  • Top 1/2 QB
  • Bottom 1/3 …Replaced within 2 years

0 voters

I feel like he will be a top 1/2 for sure, and more likely a top 1/3, especially next year, when we have the OL, in place and gelled, when we get more help at WR, and he is not learning a new system.

I think he’s the starter here for a long time, and ends up being ranked in the top 1/3.

Eli Manning!

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My feeling is around 20 or so don’t think he will be a a guy that keeps us from drafting a qb high and soon .Great thing is i could be wrong and im looking forward to seeing if he can step it up hope he does.If the oline comes out and dominates its very possible ill be wrong.Ive always been an oline guy a good one can win alot of games doesnt mean you draft em high all the time but if you get the oline right you can win alot .

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One thing is if he doesn’t perform up to snuff DC will have no problem telling him. I really like how he talks about guys who rise to the occasion vs pajama warriors, etc. So it’s on Goff but I trust if they feel he isn’t going to be a long term solution they’ll address it at the right time

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Experience and leadership, that’s what I expect.


I voted top half, but I think that’s his floor. I expect he’ll be top third or darned near it.


I expect him to lead the Lions to victory even if the stats aren’t perfect and the exciting deep ball flash isn’t there.

Goff has been top 3rd in most stats for 4 years and is still rated 29th QB by some jokers…

Once the lions have a winning season and make the playoffs with Goff at the helm, we’ll know what Goff is.


Just let’s let him go before we get the last couple Eli years but I’d be ok with that otherwise

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Exactly. I don’t necessarily care how he does it, but if the wins come then I’m good. And I’ll take 8/10 20-30 yd passes over 2/5 40+ passes.


Man i hope you are right ,One question how much lion football have you watched are you a new lion fan ?

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I expect him to put up a better record with a higher QB rating than Matthew Stafford did here.

His first 5 years have been a better combined 5 years both record and rating wise than any 5 year span from Stafford.

Oh yeah…Stafford also had a top 5 all time hall of fame receiver to throw to.

Goff hasn’t had that luxury.

I’m so sick of the eye test crap. Eye test means diddly squat when you don’t win.

I hope Jared kills it and Matt flops. We need some luck for a change. I’m not going to root for a guy who is no longer here. That’s what perennial losers do.

Rant over :slight_smile:


Pretty much a noob. Longtime suffering cal fan that’s watched Goff turn around two dismal teams. Excited at the prospects of a third


You are a welcome addition to the club! (Hopefully a better club to join in the near future)


Cool man this place has killed some careers i hope goff excels and doesnt become another victim .Ive always seen my self as an optimist but these damn lions test that. welcome aboard man .


Leadership and wins!


Well, these guys don’t expect much…

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Guessing most NFL fans have some dudes they root for that are not on their fav team. Many are perennial losers, while some are perennial winners.
The perennial losers have been the Fords, not the fans.


I chose bottom 1/3 because it most closely matches where my expectations are.
Bottom half, 2-3 year flyer/bridge.

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I voted top half because that’s an easy way to be correct but again are we talking QBR among starters? It depends on how you define “top”.

Generally there are some things favoring Goff’s chances of doing well:

Talented O-line
Strength of Schedule is fair to easy
Lion Running back personnel is better than, say, the LA Rams rb personnel, with Cam Akers down

That said it’s a long season and even if Goff starts out hot things can go downhill if the staff doesn’t hold things together. Qb always gets the blame and the credit they don’t deserve

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Like after our 2nd Super Bowl win? Sounds about right to me… :sunglasses:

Though I’d worry that he’d get vengeance on the Lions with the Goff Curse, making us go through another 50 years without a winner.