What’s your favorite posting style?
Eternal Optimist - Those who believe Deeeetroit MF’n football is where it’s at, and that Detroit is the sports Mecca of the universe.
Negative Nancy - Very negative, and Veeerry Nancy. These people incessantly bitch, and usually fill posts with the depths of the most bleak bowels of hell. Their language is typically highly emotionally charged and trying to pick a fight with someone, so they can vent. This type of poster is venting and cycling feminine energy constantly. Rarely are they logical in their approach.
The football geek - These people are freaks of football knowledge. They are highly informative, and great resources in helping to understand the game, understand why someone will/won’t fit into our system, etc. Often times, these people cross over into Historian, as well.
The Historian - People who remember games from 40 years ago than a typical guy remembers breakfast. These people are likely to cross over in to stat junkie and football geek. They can tell you which defense we ran, where our blitzes came from, which losses we had to which team in any year that happed between now and when they were six years old.
Stat geek - These people know player stats better than a draft magazine. They can remember where the top 100 picks form the last 20 years went to college, what they were coming out of college, and what their rankings were between the day they were drafted and the day they retired.
Armchair QB A - This person is a football superfreak. Likely to have played higher level football. They understand schemes, who fits them, coaching styles, etc at a level far beyond average fandom. They likely wanted to go pro since before the womb, and the obsession only deepens, as they live symbiotically through their favorite players and coaches.
Armchair QB B - These people think they know more than all other fans, all coaches, all GMs, and God. They believe it in their heart, and it’s impossible to chat with them, because they already know everything. There is their opinion, then those who are wrong.
*Many people have some of 2 or 3 styles to them, while others are hard-core entrenched into their own space.