Who are our MVP's?

If the season ended today, who would our MVP’s be?

Either Fox or Fox


Swift and Walker would be mine. Though Charles Harris could end up making a run on the defensive side.

Harris and Walker are also two guys that I wouldn’t mind locking up. Both could get very expensive.

J. F.

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The Chuck Norris of the punting world.
Discovery Channel Car GIF by Discovery

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Goalpost has been letting us down this year


Massively. Friggin’ traitor


Participants ???

All of them

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Goff on the offense.

Defense?..uh, I guess Tracy Walker.

Offense: Goff
Defense: T. Walker
Most Improved: Anzalone


Los key Nelson imo has been pretty clutch considering why he’s starting

definitely not crossbar. He really regressed after 2018

If we’re doing it this way…
Offense: J-Will (shocked that I’m saying this, but he’s been most efficient and done his job better than anyone)
Defense: Harris (Shocked that I’m saying this, but he’s been most efficient and done his job better than the others)
Most Improved: Anzalone

These conclusions strongly support @wesleysh21 's answer.
Additionally, Fox is amazing. Easily our best guy


Further proof on how bare the cupboard was.

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On all 3 counts, so far - really bad.


Is there another Harris that I don’t know about?..are you talking about our Safety, Will Harris?

I assume he means Charles Harris. Former 1st round bust we pulled off the scrap heap this year who is finally looking like his draft stock

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Oh, right. I forgot about him. LOL

fear, plastic surgery and terrible hairpieces. Good lord guys that get bad rugs drive me nuts. just go natural or shave it off. he’d probably look pretty badass shaved with a van dyke.