Who are your Superbowl picks?

There’s a long way to go

‘It’s a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll’


I’m liking a Rams-Bills Super Bowl.
Maybe even for the next couple years. At least until there’s a Lions-Browns Super Bowl.
WOW. Would THAT knock the Earth off its axis a bit?
Just how Earth altering would a Lions - Browns Super Bowl be?
Reverse climate warming?
The axis thing?

Chiefs Rams

All Missouri Super Bowl!

Oh wait…

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I just don’t know if Stafford’s finger will hold up….

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49ers - Bills

Rams start off 7-0, finish 12-5, exit first round. Still no playoff wins for Stafford.

Ouch!!! :rofl:

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I made a bunch of small bets prior to the season. Small money with big odds on Bills/Rams and Bills/Cards. Still looking good from my perspective. Most concerned with the Bucs spoiling my picks in the NFC, and Chargers in the AFC. I expect the Chiefs to get their shit together eventually too.

Also put a couple bucks on Kyler and Allen in the MVP race, and Chase for OROY.

Lions vs. Dolphins

In other news, Flat Earthers are proven right all along, we have ET live at Roswell, and Bigfoot is here to discuss male pattern balding…


Rams & Bills…