Who has already been signed so far on our team , been busy lately

I was just wondering since it’s been slow.

Not sure what exactly you are asking.
We signed several FA earlier.
We have a couple of draft picks unsigned; Gibbs and Branch iirc.

Haven’t extended anyone yet, ie Jackson, Goff or other.

This morning, from what I understand, MCDC was wondering why his family was always throwing out overripe bananas. They have lots of potassium. They are nutritious but nobody is eating them. Should we be buying them? They are good in smoothies, throw in some peanut butter and protein powder. Let’s stay more on top of this people.

That’s all I have to report.

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Freeze them, then make banana bread! If someone throws them out, we can’t be friends. :wink:

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No one

dang slow as hell !!

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