Who’s a better QB? …Love, Goff or Caleb Williams

PFF doesn’t even have Goff in the conversation.


I started a similar discussion about AG. Let’s see how this topic is received.

Style points:

Caleb - 10
Love - 8
Goff - 1.5

Actual stats and performance:

Goff - 10
Love - 7
Caleb - 0

This is the issue with Goff he is boring, consistent, and plays to make no mistakes. So it feels like someone who likes to “make plays” would be soooo much better. Then I go watch Allen play and I remember that this is the NFL not HS or College.


Apparently all of them except Caleb Williams, since they’re all ranked higher than Goff in this poll from two days ago:


Lions QB always feel underrated. It was the same with Stafford. It wasn’t until he left that people outside of Detroit started having him in their top ten. I personally don’t care much…we just need to win the SB a time or two and shut everyone up.


I am very much a show me person. I just don’t have enough information on Caleb Williams or even Love at this point. We have seen it so many times where someone has a hot season or is hyped up draft pick and it just doesn’t pan out. If you made me answer today it is Goff and I am sure most will say that’s because I am a Lions fan but has nothing to do with it. I just need to see something from Caleb and more from Love.


Goff does not sell jerseys or generate click bait content. If you’re building a Team on Madden or writing articles Caleb is your guy. If you want to actually win ball games Goff is that guy.

It’s amazing how many people are willing make excuses for “star power” QBs and why they lost while also make up reasons for why Goff’s winning isn’t a result of his ability.


“…this is the NFL not HS or College or your backyard.

I really do think this is the biggest issue for a lot of Lions fans, and pundits, who don’t get how good Goff is.

No kid who played football in the street, in someone’s backyard, or in the park played like Goff. We played like Allen. We gunned it (even when it was unnecessary). We trucked our friends if we could. We scrambled. We never “threw it away.”

Now, a guy who plays more or less like Goff (Brady, PManning) has to have crazy-success to be recognized as Great.


This is it 100%.
For Goff to get his respect he needs to win the SB. He wins one and he will immediately be a guy who has led 2 different teams to the SB and won 1. Very different narrative.


And now the most idiotic article this off season:


My power ranking

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Interesting. Somehow Purdy is 2nd in the power rankings as a game manager but Goff is 13th?!?!

player headshot

Let’s give the kid the respect he deserves. Two seasons, two NFC title games, one valiant Super Bowl effort. Does he have a sterling setup in San Francisco? Yep. Does he operate like a 10-year vet, managing the pocket as both an efficient and mobile gunslinger? Also yep.

If there is one thing I could have this upcoming football season that isn’t Lions related, it would be Jordan Love completely shitting the bed this year. That would make me so damn happy to see.



I think you have Mayfield rated too low. Move him up one tier.

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I may swap him for richardson. That area of the rankings was definitely the hardest to sort out

More realistically
Elite - Mahomes, Burrow, Jackson.
Great - everyone from Allen to Rogers
Maybe - stroud to Mayfield.

Then the rest. Your splitting hairs at 4-15 and 16-22 after that its rookies and trash.

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Right now, Goff is when he’s got a top OL, run game and open WRs to throw to. Have to keep those groups together.

Obviously too early to claim CW as good. All we know is that he’s a baby.

Love is a decent QB and will likely continue to get better.

Lions are tied for rth best odds to win the superbowl this year and are #2 in the NFC… that alone makes this tweet stupid as how is goff not included on the premise of which of these QB’S wins the SB first?

Goff is currently the best of the three. Love had a good season but I’m not ready to place him above Goff at this point.
Williams is all hype right now just like the top QB in most seasons.
He didn’t even have that great a season last year.

Goff is one of the few remaining of a dying breed of non-athletic pocket QB’s.
Stafford, Cousins, and Goff are last of their kind (Aaron Rodgers used to be a more dynamic athletic QB but now joins this group).
High school coaches won’t consider a non-athletic QB unless they find a big kid with a special arm or they have no one else.
Major colleges are not recruiting non-athletic pocket passers (unless they find a big kid with a special arm).
All of the young top tier NFL QB’s and top draft prospects are athletic QB’s.
Before the NFC championship game the Lions were thought to have the advantage at QB. Most stats were similar between Goff & Purdy but there was one key difference that was a key factor in deciding the game.
Purdy was able to make big plays with his legs.

As a defensive coach there is nothing worse than calling the right defense and coverage on 3rd & 7, having everyone locked up for 5 seconds and the QB escapes the backfield and runs for a 1st down.
I’d rather face the best pocket passer in my conference than a very good mobile QB any day.

Careful you might be called out for trolling…yes that’s sarcasm.

I started a near identical thread early this week on AG and a couple posters immediately took offense to the topic. They were trying to push a narrative that wasn’t even there.

This is a great point on psychology that I’d like to make here. Posters create narratives based on their own emotions.

In this thread posters decided to attack the message and defend Goff. Based on their own feelings of Goff.

In my other thread a few posters decided to attack the messenger and take on a narrative based on their own beliefs.

In both situations the purpose in the thread was to inspire an honest conversation… there’s an underlying observation I see here too.

My point is as posters we should try to be self aware that how we perceive things is based on our own emotions and not on those sending the message. This is a great life lesson that will make us all better people, posters and more successful in our own lives.

Below is the other thread I’m referencing. That thread could have taken the same direction this one has but did not because the emotions of a couple posters took over.

I’m not trying to pick on anyone here but I am trying to make a point. This is something I’ve been trying hard to be self aware of. Often times it’s our own emotions getting in the way and driving outcomes. Especially undesirable outcomes.


Despite this, the most successful QB’s over longer periods of time tend to be the exceptional pocket passers that know how to influence the defense through eye manipulation and timing.

That may be shifting but give me the guy that makes the fewest mistakes and is available vs the guy that convert some first downs with his legs. If you have a guy that consistently does both fantastic, but i prefer my QB’s to be QB’s first.


I appreciate the concept Air and certainly PFF was intending to say “who will be the best qb” and with that i dont necessarily care and wouldnt disagree with people saying the above will/are better than Goff.

I can only speak for myself, but i feel that the message from PFF is misaligned with the words they chose to use and goes much more to the QB wins as a stat argument while they are seemingly pushing it as a QB ranking exercise.

The minute they conflate it with “win the SB” i think their message is dishonest as the lions have some of the best odds to win the SB next year… so why isn’t Goff pictured? As well as Purdy since SF is currently the favorite?

Just seems to be a broken message on their part but i appreciate the thought exercise. 3 NFC qbs on the graphic but none of them are from the two nfc teams with the currently best odds to win the SB in 2025.