Why did Holmes let Prater leave?

Not a rhetorical question. Did we ever get an explanation as to why Holmes let Prater walk away? Does Holmes think kickers are not that important? Or did they offer him a deal and he left anyway?


I think it might have been the $$$. Although Prater had a down year last year himself.


Likely a combination of cash and age.


Seems like eating the extra $2.5M or whatever a reliable kicker costs is worth it…

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My guess is he didn’t want to pay money for a kicker during a couple rebuilding years where he wasn’t overly concerned about actually winning games.


Justin Tucker today…

Which was justifiable IMO. But by next year we better have a better solution to that position.



Another beat writer wondering the same thing.

Prater wins us a couple of extra meaningless games during the first 2 years of the rebuild, all it does is cost us cap space and draft positions…two things we sorely needed this year and last.


Prater’s best years are behind him. He was bottom of the league in each of the last two years (26th & 27th). Better to find a new kicker now than in two years when we really need a kicker.

Not that Seibert is the answer, but his FG% was better than Prater’s in each of the last two seasons.

We needed to find a new kicker going forward, not hang on to one past his prime.


That may be the case, but he was 4/4 this weekend.


If we retain Prater, he probably makes the kick in Pittsburgh, and the 4-13 Lions have the 4th pick in the draft and miss out on Aidan Hutchinson.


It felt to me like a purge of team elders (Stafford, Prater, Muhlbach) as part of a fresh start for the new regime. All part of the plan to build with young players.

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Is that relevant?


2021 Prater

5th in points
7th in FG made
6th in FG attempted
19th in FG %age
6th in PAT’s made
6th in PAT’s attempted

I’m pretty sure Prater was another deserter. Like Galloday and Jones, I don’t think they could have paid him enough to stay, once Matt was gone.

Love you brother, but that is literally the most important stat for a kicker is field goal % made, nothing else really matters for a place kicker. And Prater wasn’t very good last year, doesn’t mean he can’t bounce back. He was a great Lion, but he is kinda old now, wish him well.

19th isn’t 27th. Just sayin.

In 2021, Matt Prater was 26th in FG%. In 2020, he was 27th.

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