Why did I watch the Det vs Dallas Wild Card game of 2014?

I know how it ends and I know I’m going to be super miserable all over again, but I watch it. The broadcast was part of the NFL’s greatest games run. Several players and coaches were mic’d up.

I particularly liked Stafford going nuts yelling off at the refs!! Never saw that before and he earns my respect for that!

The play that I’m still pissed about - the tv announcers were it’s a PI!!! Even Dallas players knew it was a PI!!!

The only thing I learned from watching this is that was not the only thing that cost us the game. Giving up that 1st down on 4th and 7 (maybe 3rd and 7) didn’t help. And letting Murray make a TD on 4th and 1 also didn’t help.

But to my dying day I believe that Jerry Jones called the league office at halftime and said - “look! Do you want Carolina vs Lions next week or my Cowboys against Packers!”

And the league office said, okay, and they make a quick call to the refs. Specifically the one who banged the cheerleaders on a party boat cruise!

So pissed, I swear if I had a dog I would have kicked it.

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Glutton for punishment?

Made the trip for that game :pensive:
I was sporting my Suh jersey and was flashing it the entire first hald (kinda being loud and cocky).
The 2nd half was so terrible… my seat was literally rocking back and forth from the people behind me booting my seat for pretty well the entirety of it.
Get what you ask for I guess :man_shrugging:

Probably the most devastating and somehow humiliating football game I’ve ever attended.

Still haven’t rewatched it, and probably never will.

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and that PI could’ve so easily been avoided had he thrown to the wide WIDE open no name wide receiver calvin friggin johnson to the right. Honestly pettigrew was covered very well, not to mention stafford threw at the lb not petti.

Now, it was PI. Petti also was held. dez bryant ran onto the field with no helmet to yell at the refs, also a 15 yard unsportsmanlike.

basically multiple items happened that play that should’ve been called, but man o man had stafford just thrown to calvin on the crosser it would’ve been a moot point and heck who knows we might’ve won.


…dont forget our then HC’s reaction to it all…after he yelled at beat reporters for asking him questions about the game…

When I read the title to this topic, that was my exact thought before I even opened it.

People blame that play and wild conspiracies, but the truth is the Lions blew it.

  • After opening with two TDs, the offense put up 6 points on its final 8 drives.
  • That play happened with 8:25 left in the 4th. 24 plays were run after that play, the Lions lost the game in those 24 plays.
  • That play was a 3rd and 1. Why are we passing the ball there anyway? We had run for 9 yards on the previous two plays, and at 4.1 yards per rush the whole game.
  • The very next play was a 10 yard punt. The refs didn’t force us to punt just 10 yards. It was 4th and 1 at the Dallas 46, we should have gone for it.
  • On the Lions’ final drive, down by four, Stafford fumbled twice. Both fumbles were lost, but the first one was fumbled back to us. Pass protection and ball security on the final drive killed our chances.

Yes, things could have been different if the PI call is correctly enforced. But things could also have been different if the Lions take care of lots of things that they didn’t take care of. That team didn’t have the mental fortitude and the balls to overcome rough breaks and see out a game against a tough opponent. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that two years later the Lions and Stafford set a record for 4th quarter comebacks, because after the Cowboys game finishing became a point of emphasis for the coaching staff.

Why did I watch the set vs Dallas 2014 playoff game?

Bc you have a weird fetish for refs ffucking the lions?

You rewatched that game in 2023!? Dude if you want me to come over and kick you in the nuts for 3.5 straight hours I will and it would be much more enjoyable than watching that game again.

While you’re at it, why don’t you throw on the Panthers game from this past season.

Bad Day That Hurt GIF by Tim Poulton

How about that playoff game against the Skins from 92? One week after our 1 and only playoff win in Superbowl history. Just in case we were getting a little too cocky there.

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