Why is jackson so prominent in the run game?

Are they trying to keep Williams from hitting a performance incentive or something?

Makes no sense, he is clearly 3rd of 3


Not sure with the way Swift has been playing lately that I think he is 3/3! While not as dynamic as Swift he is more consistent…atleast in my untrained eye.

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Because of Swift. If Swift played less maddeningly, Jackson wouldn’t be taking as many snaps.


There’s been a yuck going around. He may have it.

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Jackson has some juice, that’s why IMO.


I also think the Lions are trying to save a bit of wear and tear on Jamaal. He has carried the ball a lot this year, and they might be trying to spell Jamaal’s carries and use a fresh RB against a defense facing 3rd down and already tiring.


Maybe seeing if he can handle RB2 duties. Save some money if he can.


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Guarantee they have voiced that to j will

I’d rather see Reynolds play than Swift…wait, did I just type that out loud?

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Think it’s just a rotation thing fellas. Keeping em all healthy


Because swift cant stay healthy and Williams has a lot of “tough” carries. Keeping their legs fresh.


Respectfully this is SOL stuff

There is no way our leadership is even thinking about this let along actually pursuing it

Last week Jackson proved he had a little more juice than you’d think. Plus it’s obvious Swift wears down easy.

Jackson has been making plays. That was a great block he made on the Brock touchdown.


This right here. Jackson is a solid back who does the little things right. He’s not flashy but he can block, run and catch. Keeps teams guessing and the backs fresh. I don’t think any of them are that much better than the other IMO. Think Swift has the most ability but the softest of them all. Wish he ran like Williams.

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I think it’s due to keeping their legs fresh as well. It’s like a deep defensive line. If you can keep rotating guys, the total performance improves of the course of the whole game.

Also, they all run slightly differently, which can help keep the defense (slightly) off key. Sort of like when they run St. Brown a couple times per game.

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Watch Jackson lay his body on the line and take out two defenders on the TD pass and you can see his value and why he’s earned the extra opportunities.

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yeah, but he sucks at running

Williams was hesitant on a lot of carries today. Swiftitis