Will Anderson Jr…

The only players with higher pass rush win rate than him:

Micah Parson & Myles Garrett

That’s it


Lions were prepared to take him, but he didn’t make it down to where they picked…all due to the Rams winning a game they shouldn’t have won.


So he’s as good, or better than some on this board tried to say.

I do remember a lot of people here questioning his size, testing numbers, etc. Turns out those folks were wrong


There were quite a few of them. They were way wrong.

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As good as Anderson is I’m glad it played out the way it did. I can’t imagine this team now and going forward without Gibbs and LaPorta.


I loved Anderson but love how it went down.


Note to self, I am doubling down strong on any prospects I like this year. Not falling into any sort of board group think.

Now that you say that, I remember a lot of loud voices hating on Jordan Addison as a prospect as well


So 7 sack Will Anderson is already better than TJ Watt. :rofl:

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Found the first person from last years clan of “Will Anderson isn’t worth a top 5 pick people”


Jimmy Fallon Gotcha GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

I can think of another one… he was still talking about in November.

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I love ya brother but Anderson aint half bad


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I’m still taking Carter. And Carter is lazy.

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This was back in February

I had Texans taking Anderson and Stroud

I had them in wrong order.

But didn’t matter…still nailed it and made a killing on draft day wagers.


Eagles defense is a dumpster fire with all of those Georgia kids

So revisionist history: Lions draft Anderson at #2. What happens at #18, #48, #55, #81?

Plus we got the after party…

Beers on me

tommy boy GIF

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It is a dumpster fire. And Carter isn’t helping, he went into hibernation about 5 games into the year. So predictable.


Lions weren’t gonna move up to #2… but if Anderson had fell to #6
they supposedly were taking him…

and someone posted that there was chatter Lions may have tried to move from #18 to get Gibbs.

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Lions probably don’t have at least one of those picks if they moved up to 2. Well, they don’t have the 2024 1st for sure.

In any event, if the rumors are to be believed Gibbs wouldn’t have been there at 18 and who knows if LaPorta drops to 48.
As is, I take Gibbs+LaPorta over Anderson for sure and then we have Branch who looks like a surefire stud and Campbell who is really coming into his own. Freaking Holmes man…

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He’s no Jonathan Greenard.

Stroud would have made for a much better gloating thread.