Will Detroit finish better

  • On the road
  • At ford field
0 voters

Road warriors for me


@Jman - I know you are deeper into stats and analytics than I am. What is the general split for home vs. away league-wide? Is home field advantage actually a thing in the NFL?

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Some tough road games left

  1. Ravens
  2. Dallas
  3. Chargers (maybe tough, but may almost be like a home game as at SOFI chargers don’t really draw a home crowd)
    Plus a short week for @ GB

I think Detroit wins all division games at home, beat atlanta, beat carolina, broncos and raiders

So I guess I don’t see Detroit losing at home again :slight_smile:

I think prognosticating is expending nervous energy in a way that will only lead to unmet expectations and even greater nervous energy.

Well what are we supposed to do with the nervous energy then? Work? Psh.

maybe the defense plays better when it is quiet vs loud.

Every game on the schedule is going to be tough.
This team isn’t good enough to look past anyone.
Not even Chicago.
KC and Seattle have exposed both our Offense and Defense.

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I’m not sure the exact figures…


There is a season long fight for home field advantage as the reward

Vegas says -3 for the home team even if it’s a true pickem game.

That’s all I do know
So it must matter…

I agree. But that is the job of the coach and the team to be ready.

As I fan I expect them to be ready and hopefully then they take care of business at home.

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Nuclear Fansion. Let’s power the world!

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Jman and his polls.

Georgia Vote Early GIF by Creative Courage


Certainly can work out that way, though not necessarily
Love it though - got a great laugh out of it!
You should see me pace around during commercials when watching games at home. lol


After every Lions loss, I “prognosticate my negative emotions”…

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Just beat the falcons ….

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