Without Jamo - Predict - Who gets the ball contest!

Ok so we have the Lions vs Titans this week and no Jamo.

So let’s have a contest.

My challenge to you is to predict who the Lions top 3 players will be in receiving yards.

For fun predict the player and their yards.

Will the titans double team ARSB knowing the Lions do not have much else?

Will Tim Patrick have his break out game?

Will Lief step up and be a force?

Will Laporta rise from the dead?

Maybe the Lions bring up Robinson or DPJ?

Or maybe Goff just decides to throw the ball to himself.

I wanna hear your predictions and there will be a prize.

However I’m to dunk, busy and lazy to figure out who wins the contest after the game…. so you will all have to let me know if you win…lol


ARSB - 175 yrds
Laporta - 109 yrds
I. Williams - 71 Yrds


By the way you only get one entry and you can change it up to Sunday at 1pm.

Gibbs - 85
ARSB - 82
Kalif - 55

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LaPorta - 96
Gibbs - 69
Kerby - 102 (interception return)

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Gibbs - 130
DM - 80
Tim Patrick - 110

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Kalif is ridiculously fast. Maybe not Jamo fast, but, hot on his heels. He’s fast, fast.
Not much else changes.

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Patrick will lead us in receiving this game.

Patrick 90
ASB 70
Gibbs 50

St Brown 84
LaPorta 73
Gibbs 61

St Brown 111
LaPorta 53
Patrick 61

St. Brown
St. Brown (He’s going to have > double the yards of a bunch of other guys)

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Sewell 55 yds 2 tds
Skipper 43 yds
Decker 5 yds and 3 tds


Could be Goff’s breakout game to go for over 100 receiving yards.

Gibbs -121
LaPorta- 87
Goff- 53

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Amun-Ra - 123 yards
LaPorta - 82 yards
Gibbs - 74 yards

Gibby, LaPorta , St Brown. & Patrick.

No tds for Skipper?
Season 2 Wtf GIF by Parks and Recreation

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in my scenario I picture Skip getting stopped inside the 5yd line 3X and Decker the touchdown whore getting the tuddies :man_shrugging:t2:

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Gibbs 95
Robinson 65
ARSB. 61

They are saving LaPorta for Green Bay

With Goff only completing 6 pass for 28 yards in the 3rd quarter. Even though the Lions have scored 42 points.

I’m not sure if anyone is winning this contest.

Ya doubt anyone won this. with #2 Raymond with 14 and #3 is Wright with 8 yards.