Wow. The Rams really just went there

Playoff record at Ford Field - Goff 2-0 and Stafford 0-1
The chirp doesn’t even make sense.


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I hope Brad and Dan ran out there, and told them to get Goff our lawn!


OK,I’m changing my prediction. We win game 1. Thanks, Rams media dept.

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Honestly glad it’s becoming this much of a rivalry. Great stuff. Can you imagine the atmosphere at fired field??

Well yes you can! Will be exactly Ike what we just saw in the playoffs. Lions are going to be fired up!

Aaron Donald was leaked the schedule. And said ■■■■ this…I aint getting mauled by Sewell again. :laughing: filed his retirement papers 13 seconds later.


I saw this too. Can’t figure out who rapped for Stafford? I’m probably being thick.

The rams offense vs our new defense will be fun to watch. The rams are going to have fun trying to run against our front.

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I love this just because I can’t envision us coming in and starting slow. I think this game will have all parties fired up and ready to roll.

I still love Stafford. But on game day he is the enemy


Last time he came to Stafford Field we knocked him the ■■■■ out Mike Tyson style.

Be careful what you wish for Rams social media team.


The look on Stafford’s face when he throws a pick 6 to Arnold:

Happy Gilmore GIF


The rest of the league too.

Epic fail!
But, I do love that they’re poking the Lions nuts.
Not a smart move for sheep.

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What does his face look like if he throws a pick 6 to hutch? :joy:

I love it. Clever banter and trash-talk should always be encouraged between teams and fanbases. Personally I this one actually falls in the very mild category.

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So true, living in the past is depression living in the future is anxiety

That was pretty clever and tbh, made me laugh.

Hey! That’ s a wild sheep!
…With big horns.

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Someone trying to build up Stafford confidence. They are hearing him saying they start the season 0-1.