You ever think, "Why do sports talk shows exist?"

So, I understand the forum concept (because of course I do). There’s little difference between this place and sitting on a barstool having a conversation about your favorite team with another guy who also thinks he knows everything.

But then there are literal, non-contributing zeroes like Mike Greenberg, who make millions of dollars just talking out of their ass. Mike Greenberg has never picked up a football in his life, but now look at this image …

Someone help me with the psychology here:
Mike Greenberg literally makes more money than Dan Campbell to … talk shit about Dan Campbell on a topic that Mike Greenberg knows precisely jack shit about, and that Dan Campbell knows everything about.

Maybe this is obvious to everyone and it’s just now hitting me, but it’s insanity that this is how a guy makes money. Mike Greenberg is, by definition, a fraud. And yet there he is, essentially accusing Dan Campbell of being just that.


Hot take theater clickbait, with a dash of an idiocracy laden populace who eat the shit up :man_shrugging:


Totally theatrical bullshit. Greenberg is a slime ball, and evidently handled his break-up with Golic in disturbing fashion. It’s just gross that this exists, it’s that big of a market, and you have an asshole like Greenberg making millions being a complete fraud.

I’d at least respect someone like Rex Ryan, who has actually done the work.


I used to fantasize that if/when the Lions were good that I would try to absorb every video and article. Well after this year it was completely obvious media just regurgitates the same BS and it’s obvious not many media members pay that much attention. Not surprising, just disappointing.


The national guys are going to be more casual observers of any given team by default, though some of them are all right, and at least have the self respect to use their eyes and brains to get a feel for what they’re commenting on. Brian Baldinger, for instance, has been awesome all year at breaking down Lions game tape and always worth listening to, even though he’s not as plugged into our roster and schemes. But yeah, guys like Greenberg are just dilettantes. There is literally no reason to care what he has to say about anything.


And yet, Greenberg makes a ton of money for ESPN, because people watch that crap.

What does that say about the millions of people that watch him?


It’s the same idea as pro wrestling, performance art rather than anything substantial. Outrageous, obnoxious, ostentatious and over-the-top scripted silliness to attract the attention, clicks, likes and shares of 10 year olds and simpletons.

None of them believe what they’re saying, they just say it because they know it gets attention. They’ll literally sit in their production meeting and figure out what they can say that’s most likely to get the shared around the internet, people calling them dumb is their lifeblood the same way fans booing the bad guys is good for the wrestling business.

Reasoned, thoughtful debate is dying because no one has an attention span that can tolerate it anymore.


There are expert opinions.
There are informed opinions.
And then there’s hot-take artists, which was Greeny’s only choice when deciding to get out from underneath Golic’s shadow.

But, yeah, people are paid to talk out of their ass.
Interestingly, some aren’t paid but still do. LOL


Thats Me Jason Sudeikis GIF by Saturday Night Live


I think Greeny is ok lol. His opinion on this matter is shared by more than you may think.

I skew more his way on this than the opposite way. I would have kicked both FG.

Jeff Saturday said he would have as well.

Not saying Campbell lost us the game, however his decisions did hurt us.

Love Coach Campbell though!

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Too bad his attempt at game show host failed. That seems more like his true calling,

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Trolls just trying to get a reaction. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of watching these idiots. Amazing they get paid to actually criticize people who have actual jobs.

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It’s really no different than most tv talk shows. Turn on the View for 30 seconds and it’s the same crap just different topics instead of sports.

TV is 99 percent garbage.

“I don’t watch TV… I don’t care”

Jamaal Williams nailed it last tear


Only ones I pay attention to are mostly the pre-games. You stick Howie Long, Jimmy Johnson and Michael Strahan on a show talking actual football, I can live with that. Same with Tony Dungy and Rodney Harrison, etc.

Only talking heads I like (and I don’t even consider them talking heads) are Wilbon and Tony. I’ve said this before. They have been around 25 years and when all these shows popped up, they did not conform at all and in fact have no problem taking shots at the daytime guys, even the ones on their own network. They have been around a long time in the sports reporting field, they damn sure do they homework and they just tell you what they think. They don’t submit to nor do they push narratives.

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Never watch talking head programs. Thing is that this forum knows more than 75% of them. I do watch pregame shows though. At least those give info about the game.

I don’t mind the athletes and coaches… but the Greenies and Skips, Herds, Stephen’s, Finebaum’s can go suck a pineapple. Why would anyone pay these clowns more then 10$ an hour. I do enjoy the hot chicks as well …More ladies are always a plus.

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Could Have Should Have… Great Hind Sight Easy way out to say what they would have done means nothing . To listen to anyone say they would have did it different after the fact is just a waste of time.

They can have opinion but save the BS like he was totally wrong to attempt the moves.

The odds say he was right but again to listen to the odds is BS same as these guys spouting off after it happened. We all have opinion that’s ok just keep the BS he was wrong an you are right becasue your opinion is after the FACT.


They know positional value, inside and out?

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So for people who question the fourth down play call where we threw it to Reynolds. I ask them to make a decision of whether it was the right call on a freeze frame of the play, where the ball is 18 inches from Reynolds chest…a ball that he catches 99 times out of 100. Did they think it was a good call at that brief second of time? Of course they would have. Now, because the player dropped the ball, they have the clarity of 2020 hindsight. The call was correct but the player didn’t execute. Hard to blame the coach in that situation. Everyone is acting like Badgley was going to line up that 48 yarder and drill it. I wasn’t confident. I wasn’t at that moment and I’m not at this time.

If Reynolds catches that ball I think we go to the Super Bowl. I think that’s how huge of a play that was. It sucks.

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