You know what sucks?

We are Green Bay’s dumbass collapse away from hosting the NFC championship.

(But I’ll take it)


Win next game and won’t matter what could have been.


If it makes you feel any better, my Packer fan friends have reached out to apologize for not doing their part last night.

Funny receiving congrats and well-wishes from Packer and Bears fans, but there’s a bunch genuinely wishing us well.


You know what sucks?

Absolutely nothing right now. OUR Detroit Lions are in the NFC Championship. I’ll repeat THE Detroit Lions, OUR Detroit Lions, are in the NFC Championship. Life is pretty, pretty, prettttty good right now.


NO WAY would I want to play the Packers next. Just that situation alone would have spurred the Packers to beat us. I am much happier noq going as an underdog with a chip on our shoulder. The Packers would have been that had we played them. I have zero doubt we would have lost to the Packers. This worked out just right.




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Which amazes me. NFC North is stepping up when it comes to support.


Dude! F Green Bay! We match up really well against San Fran, especially if Deebo is out. No reason why they can’t shut McCaffery down and win the game. They have been doing it all year against teams that have statues in the pocket. I believe they will win next week. The packers are ordering new golf clubs right now.

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It’s just because Jordan love played careless in 4 th quarter,bit cocky guy, but confident . Even though we joked we will play gb for nfc championship,it came close

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Might be playing the team we match up better with though


Who’s this Green Bay?

What else sort of sucks is the fact if we win the SB, Jesus is coming down! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::innocent::pray::heart::boom::crazy_face::sunglasses::mending_heart::scream::smiling_face_with_tear::upside_down_face:


Jesus might be sitting with goodell in the box to watch lions play lions vs bills ,justice for bills and lions

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Nothing sucks! We are going to the NFCC and 1 game away from the SB! Nobody thought we would be here even us! Enjoy this shit!


Everything sucks, we are one game away from the Super Bowl. If the Lions make the Super Bowl we are clearly minutes away from a giant asteroid slamming into the planet. Which of course sucks, because I think we’d really have a chance of winning that game.

Dan Campbell


It’s kinda of odd, but being on the road and as underdogs I feel is exactly fitting for this team.

We’re not supposed to be here.
We’re not supposed to win.
We’re not ready yet.
We’re not within a TD of San Francisco.

F all that noise, let’s shock the world (again)!

A team that will be reckoned with next year. Those ■■■■■■■ just will not die!

Chicago could be tough next year also. The North is no joke.

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At least they’ll be looking up at us as the reigning Super Bowl Champs.:sunglasses: