2025 NFL draft: Could another running back be on the Lions’ radar?

I know it won’t happen, but if we somehow got Ashton Jeanty…


We could cut Monty after this season cause his guarantees are up, and I do think Craig Reynolds would be an FA

Lions could do what they did to Jamal Williams and try to go for a younger model.

Hard to say, because in this age of the NFL, A solo Running back is dead (Outside of the 49ers, Shannahan loves running his RB1 into the ground constantly.)

But, RB’s are also the most important they have ever been in the modern NFL aswell.

Feels like their market is in a weird place these next couple seasons.

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I strongly felt Jamall Williams was replaceable…and he was.
I don’t feel the same way about Monty. Monty is a big, important piece to what we do here.


I think Vaki is probably our Monty replacement. He’s not as much of a thumper but he’s strong (I mean he’s playing fullback), and he’s more electric too. More of a combo between Monty and Gibbs. And he has basically no wear and tear on his tires, so he should have a longer RB career than most.


I think that’s is possibly the plan as well. But I think it’s also possible that they loved him as a RB3 that can fill either role when one inevitably misses time with an injury.

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Yeah, for now I agree. Best of both worlds. But they would definitely be hoping he could be Monty’s long-term replacement as well.

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Probably so. I’m just saying that if we’re sitting there on day three and a Coleman or Damien Martinez is staring us in the face in round 5 I’m not so sure that they don’t go for the more direct facsimile of Monty to plan for 2026. Not expecting it but wouldn’t shock me either.

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Yeah that’s possible for sure (though I don’t think they have Monty’s contact balance, which is highly underrated… Martinez is more athletic though I think).


I stand by my Vaki = souped up Rex Burkhead remark. What that equates to? Idk but I know it’s very useful.

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Kaytron Allens contact balance has always impresses me but it’s middling juice.

Jeanty’s got the best contact balance, but he’s far too expensive to be a possibility for us.

I think souped-up Burkhead may well be the perfect RB for today’s NFL.

Survivability/durability with that style. Rex was a slasher that you never really saw get teed up as he’d always have that last second wiggle or shift to assure a glancing blow. Vaki better share that trait with how upright he runs. Rex didn’t run that upright.

I brought him up before but Brashard Smith as a KR and Gibbs understudy fascinates me. Dude is electric. Shouldn’t go all that early. Definitely just a bit player as a pro but his juice jumps out at you.

Lions need to draft Donovan Edwards in the 1st rd and make him RB1, then force him over and over between the tackles…instant game changing, generational RB who will revolutionize the position like Barry Sanders and Walter Payton

Mr Rogers Clown GIF

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Anything Is Possible GIF

Edwards, the most overrated RB in college football. Edwards is a backup RB on his own team. How could you expect him to even get drafted?


Ooops, guess I shoulda used the sarcasm font…

basketball captain obvious GIF


Especially when your dealing with an Italian, very limited hard drive upstairs.
The upstairs portion was an add on because I already know what @BigNatty was thinking. :sweat_smile:


82 carries, 685 yards, 10 TD’s in 14 quarters.

Any idea on a forty time? The long speed looks iffy to me by NFL standards. Not that it’s inherently disqualifying. He’s certainly looked great in shorter areas.