#3 Spot

Did you watch the Auburn v Minnesota game today? Derrick Brown played, i’m sure of it. Not because he was visible, but because I heard his name credited with a tackle.

This game makes me want to go look at more tape of him, just to figure out why people keep talking about him as a 1st round prospect. I almost want to say it’s only because he has a spin move and people are amused, like a true dancing bear.

One thing I noticed that he held his ground on runs and pushed plays one side of the other. I like him, as of this date.

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You don’t need to use a top 3 pick to get a Dan Wilkinson. We can pick one up in FA.

Hence why my option one is to trade down.

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Our draft position is the best we’ve had for a very long time. And I don’t just mean how low our pick is. I mean our pick seems to be lining up as the pivotal pick in the draft. You figure Burrow goes 1OA, then Chase Young. Now teams that want Tua, and lets hope Tua gets healthy enough to garner the interest he had before injury, or maybe Herbert moves up the board, and just take a look at what some of these teams are getting for a slight move down in years past. Or, if we stay put, we are going to get a VERY good player. Both Okudah and Judy project to me to be All-Pro caliber talents, if they go that route. Or maybe Young drops to us.

It’s because the Lions will be desperate for starting DT’s after A’Shawn, Daniels, and Snacks leave. Brown is a notch below the Young, Jeudy and Okudah level. I hope like hell that Quinn doesn’t reach for him at #3.


How has that worked out since his tenure here?

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#####cough##### Ed Oliver #####cough######


Wish there would have been a rookie salary cap in those days. Damn it!

After watching us fall apart this year, I honestly have no excitement whatsoever for the upcoming draft. we’ve drafted duds and studs and still are the punchline of the league. I don’t count the browns because for a while the ravens were the browns and were successful.

this team does dumb shit, brings in great players who then do dumb shit, or draft great players who we don’t use right, thus more dumb shit.

it’s tiring.

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I’m kind of hoping that the Lions somehow forget to take the card up to the stage and the Giants sneak in ahead of them and take the guy the Lions want. That would be a very Quinnish type of thing to do.

I have a feeling that Quinn is going to mortgage the future even more in this draft. He knows he has 1 more year to show that this thing is going somewhere.

My guess is that he is going to take the best defensive player available at #3, then trade our 2nd rounder and a 2021 high pick to move back into the bottom of the first round. He may even throw a couple of our 2021 picks away to try and maximize this draft. This is his last shot and if it doesn’t work, he won’t be the guy drafting in 2021 anyway.

Exactly, because he’s done it so many times in the past. Got it! Thank you for that bit of unbiased, observation! Pure brilliance!

I know very few want to hear this, but the “hot seat” that Qunn & Patricia were placed on, doesn’t seem all that hot, to me. I think they win 9 games next year, and nobody in the Ford family will be contemplating an axing.

I think they will be more aggressive, as there are many positions to be improved upon, but I don’t see a situation of selling the future coming up.

Provided Matt is healthy, I think the team will easily appease the level of expectation that ownership has for them next year.

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honestly had the defense played worth a shit in the 4th quarter this year, we could’ve damn near been an 8 win team with a backup qb.

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It’s funny how you like to call out everyone else for being “condescending”, yet you are condescending in nearly every post you throw on here. Must be nice to be holier than thou.

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What matters more than words, is the energy behind them.
We all see what we want in things. We all tell ourselves stories about what things mean. I mean him no harm at all. Just pointing out that he’s being pissy for the sake of being pissy. I could have been more clean with my language and just said that, and will work to do better in the future. Appreciate you pointing that out.

Thank you, for your input.

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The thing that I’m noticing is everybody jumping on the notion that this is a three win team. And how could Quinn and Patricia still be here; we’re so terrible etc. al…

Yes that was our record. Undeniable. But in evaluating some exceptions are going to have to be made for injuries. To ignore it and say “it happens to all teams” would be negligent evaluation. The Lions built their team around Stafford elevating everybody around him. When he went down, the ship went down with him. That’s reality. And if we had an upper-echelon roster, then maybe Quinn would have found a better backup for a playoff run. I think we all knew, with the predictions on this board before the season, that we weren’t making a deep playoff run. Some figured 10-6 with the best of luck; most had us around 8-8. That prediction largely held up when Stafford was healthy-ish. They played the toughest part of the schedule early and nearly broke even.

So I think with a healthy Stafford, and some better luck with health overall, its easy to think around 8-8 was possible this year. Maybe 7-9 or something. We weren’t falling off the cliff with 3 wins with Stafford healthy, at any rate. I think we beat the Bears twice, Washington, and probably one or two others, and so that is how I think of this roster and coaching staff. Is that great? No. But I’m much less bleak on the future than seems to be the prevailing opinion. Then again, I’m a fan and this is how I rational another year of fandom.

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IMO if Staff stays healthy we beat the Bears twice, the Redskins, the Packers, the Broncos and maybe the Bucs. Dallas would’ve been a toss up and the Vikes still take us.

Somewhere between 8 and 10 games. His loss can not be understated.

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With as bad as this defense was 7-8-1 was the ceiling for this team.

If the defense got better or was even mediocre after Stafford got hurt I might still have hope even in

But even when the defense had 10/11 and 9/11 starters playing the back half of the season it still got shredded.