A few site updates (let me know if you see funky things)

Tmi bro

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The last 2 weeks or so I have been logged out every time I visit the site. I can log in, go to a different page for 5 mins, come back and I’m logged out again.

It’s not a huge deal to log in but I lose my spot in post that have been added to since I was on the site last.

Any idea if it’s a site thing or something on my end?

I can’t replicate. It sounds like you’ve disabled cookies or JavaScript when using this site (both necessary to any site to be able to remain logged in).

you weren’t able to replicate?

My account on mobile had been lagging badly. So badly I struggled to get pages to load.

Seems to be working better now but it was so bad I couldn’t do much.

I haven’t had the time to test it on my lap top.


This has been happening repeatedly during the game:

Very annoying.

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Yeah, @HSVLion complained about this too. Still working through it.

Welp, I was overthinking this one. Fixed! @hsvlion @davicus


The browser performance on my phone for last few weeks has been really bad. Have trouble getting anything to load on the site regardless of wifi, 5g, work wifi.

Any tips? Trying to iron out before the real games start!

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What browser?


Same issue for me. iPhone / Safari


Nate, having an issue where I click on a topic and it just sits there and loads. This is through safari on my mobile phone. Happens about once every time I visit the page. Thoughts on how best to eliminate the issue?

Alright, made a quick DNS change: @Air2theThrown @SkyHock @Usi05 can you guys test?

Still slow loading for me. @Nate

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Sad Happy Hour GIF

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Early results for me are better. Will check again 383747 times today and share feedback.


P-Funk Mothership Connection

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Am I the only one who can’t figure out how to get “new topics” to stop appearing under alerts in the MLB forum?

I saw that you were still subscribed to the “Tigers” tag (https://thedenforum.com/u/jerseyjungle/preferences/notifications). I just removed it. LMK if you still have issues, but that is the section where you’d edit such things.