I saw it pop out during the game, but I didn’t see AA try to catch it. Pretty cool teammate.
Laughed when I seen it live
Wooo baby he played really well again…but my hard on for Campbell is swelling.
Goff had already gotten his shit together and was on a massive upward trajectory, when the deal got done. I never questioned it at all.
I was very shaky on Goff early on, before things started rolling.
-I still have some of my initial concerns about Goffster…I do…buuuuut…he’s improved in the ways that matter most → turnovers!!!
- Sure, I still get concerned when he takes a hit, and he puts the ball on the ground more than I’d like, buuuut → he is as good at pre snap reads as I’ve ever seen in a qb, which dramatically cuts down on the amount of times he gets hit.
- our OL is our big brother to Goff and protects him for sure, but Goff is fantastic at pre snap reads as well as manipulating the defense. Once our pre snap motion happens, Goff is great at seeing what is going to happen and finding the hole
- Goffi is REALLY good at fakes, and this manipulates the ■■■■ out of the defense and helps the misdirection and play action work better, hence creating confusion and reducing risk of getting hit.
- Goff is really good at getting rid of the ball instead of taking sacks.
- Goff has actually gotten a little better at taking sacks too
- His leadership has improved light years under the tutelage of Coach Dan too.
with the Stafford trade, it’s the second to most lopsided trade I’ve seen in the NFL, second only to Herschel Walker.
Love our guy. Have always rooted for him just as hard as I have now. I love the entire story around his ascent.
OK, I take that back. Jman, Natty, QBhater, Greggy, yote liked this deal. The smart guys. All the handsome guys seemed to not like it though.
The smart and handsome man came through again. He plays money ball with guys who other teams would love to have.