Antonio Brown accused of rape and sexual assault

Sexual assault and rape are criminal offenses. If you choose to skip the criminal court entirely to go grab that money bag…I do not have sympathy for you. She has chosen what means more to her. Winning in civil means he just paid her for sex. Good job there, she just named her hooker price tag.

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We have one here.

They’re also torts, just like battery, or car accidents, or wrongful death.

The victim has a choice of redress and is not obligated to do anything beyond what she has the right to do. Anything else is absolute madness.

Let me say this again because it doesn’t seem like you are hearing me. I don’t need a lesson in the legal system in this regard. Having something available is not the point of what I’m saying. What I’m saying is that when you skip the criminal case and go straight for the civil case…that says a lot to me. I hate using family in analogies but here goes anyways. If my daughter came to me and said she was raped, my first thought would never be “hey lets go see if we can get some money out of this!”

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Here’s what I don’t get, if he sexually assaulted her twice in June of 2017 and then beat off jizzing on her back in May of 2018. Why does she repeatedly keep going back and being alone with the guy?

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Its funny because on Judge Judy as soon as you go back around the guy willingly and without bringing a case on the preceding actions, she automatically disqualifies you from collecting on those actions regardless of merit. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her waiver from that, though there might have been a few times.

Judge Judy? The precident is set!! Lol


Who know what would make her come back. Could be money, gifts, delusion that maybe she could get to be AB’s one true love.

She could both be a person of questionable character and still get sexually assaulted. Those are not mutually exclusive.

The reason women don’t report what happens to them is exactly what you are witnessing from the people in this thread. How many people would question their mother or sister for going to a doctor that was abusing her sexually? I don’t know, why don’t we ask one of the 150 young girls that were raped by Larry Nasser why they went back? Maybe becuse they knew the guy could call them money grubbing hoes and ruin their careers and nobody would listen for twenty years.
If your mother or your sister had a job and the boss was assaulting them sexually, would they be ignorant hoes for trying to keep their jobs by just keeping quiet? Then, when they finally get the nerve to report and sue the doctor or the boss or the company, are they just looking for a payday?
When your mother keeps going back to the guy that beats her, how do you explain that?

The victims often blame themselves. They know idiots will immediately disparage them. Their lives will change forever. But goddamn it, they get a one in five chance at Pay day.


She DID come out and report what happened…when there was money involved.

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Yep, you’re right there is money involved. Her job was to be his trainer. She went back to maintain her employment. Which means she was sexually harassed by her boss who is Antonio Brown. So yes there is money involved. Her income. And then she (her job/income) was threatened and she talked to a lawyer, when she was advised to sue Brown, more money became involved. You’re a smart guy Wes. You know your argument is myopic and biased. You cannot support it logically.

Her lawyer is a smart guy. He knows the arguments people like you make. He knows he can’t make a criminal burden so he doesn’t go to criminal court. He knows he has more than enough to pursue a civil claim against him.The woman is not obliged to pursue criminal complaints before Civil complaints complaints to meet your expectations. The criminal case could only hurt her. You hire a lawyer to represent you legally in the best way he knows how. You don’t hire a lawyer to project your moral judgment into this kind of situation. I am assuming she went to the lawyer to get the balance of her contract with him or to pursue charging him with his disgusting behavior and the lawyer advised her she couldn’t win but she could in civil court. You are assuming she is a money grubbing ho. Who is being more reasonable?


Judging by the very small amount of Brown’s emails that I could decipher, it sounds like she may have cooked up this little scheme with her “momma” and intended on extorting him after putting herself in this situation. At least that’s his perspective.

That’s all well and good. But it didn’t matter enough to her until she could cash in, so it doesn’t matter enough to me either. The same goes for those that it doesn’t matter enough to them until politics are involved. I didn’t say she had to do anything. I’m saying, when you go straight for the money bag in a case like this…you get no sympathy from me. She’s making it clear. You can sexually assault her, you just gotta make sure you give her some money for it afterwards.

With the system we have in place, it actually makes more sense to go after AB fiscally, than it does stringing it out for 2 years in the hopes he goes to jail for 2 weeks before he buys himself out of jail. If she is truly a victim of rape/sexual assault, it’s pretty simple to figure out which way hurts AB more. Victims want their assaulter to pay a price. In this case, nothing hurts AB more than cash. A brief stint in jail does nothing to deter him from doing it again. Not that he would ever spend a minute there.

I would think that Epstein situation would have made this clear. The victims get what? Him in a fake prison for 5 minutes? Having these evil men sit in a hotel, while the crappy system ties the case up for 2 more years doesn’t do ANYTHING for the victim. OJ would agree.

My last statement on this is that when you hand a case over to the police/prosecutor, you lose all control.

The police may do nothing (See Rothelisburger, Ben) or even if they do the prosecutor may decide that it isn’t worth the ding to his or her reelection campaign to go after the local football team so they cut a deal or drop the case. As the victim, you have absolutely zero control over any of that. You cannot make the police or the prosecutor do anything. On TOP of that, their actions (or inaction) can really bungle any civil case you wish to pursue down the line.

If you’re the plaintiff in a civil suit, you have much much much more control. You can direct your attorney (who represents YOU not the “interests” of the people) to conduct aggressive discovery and to take the case all the way to trial if you want.

There are lots of reasons to forgo the criminal court system entirely that have nothing to do with a payout, although there is 100% nothing wrong with seeking compensation for your injuries.


The fact that there was no police report after the alleged rape speaks volume to me. She only reported it to get monetary gain. One doesn’t have to be exclusive from the other… She can file a police report and not press charges. Had she done that, it would change my opinion of her and her case. Right now, it looks like she’s only interested in money.

Not sure how one can be this naïve. Are you ignorant to the fact that a huge % of rapes and sexual assaults never get reported? Not to mention that most of these incidents are NOT done by multi millionaire powerful athletes who have lawyers and agents on speed dial to help clear them? The victims already have the cards stacked against them. Now we have AB, who is clearly ■■■■■■■ insane and has never had a bit of respect for other humans, and you are going to defend him, because he’s on your fantasy team.

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All she’s seeking is a payout in court. So…yes…its all about the payout. “There are many reasons to skip the criminal proceedings.” Cool, I get that…and that’s what she did. She went to the payout, so you can’t say its not about the payout.

And LOL at “compensation for her injuries.” Did she get a skin rash from the nut on her back?:rofl:

This particularly rape WAS reported…when there was money involved. This was not a case of a completely unreported incident. It was simply not important enough until money was involved, that’s all.