Antonio Brown accused of rape and sexual assault

True Story

I think you are 1/2 way in if you can write your name.

But after reading those text I am not sure he can…

It’s a good possibility. He might have stuff out there even as we speak that will get him.

It’s going to be hard for her to win this case. I don’t really see her winning anything if he refuses to settle.

Especially when, in the U.S., suing celebrities for rape and getting paid off is basically an industry with more revenue than most small countries

Any celebrity that has $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and is alone with a woman is a easy mark for the ole “Give me $2,000,000 or I am gonna say you raped me”

Thing is, I am having a hard time finding an admission of guilt…that he did anything she didn’t consent to in there.

Even after translating it from Idiot to English

You know, I know some that ask for it in the face, but I don’t know any one of them that want you to do it on the back. Unless, of course, you pull out and put it on her back. Let’s just say, it is not a good look. And, he should just stay off social media.
Think about it. How many girls want you to jackoff on them if they are willing participants? That isn’t a large subset of women. Brown found just that one.

Not blaming you or anyone in this thread, but look at the shit we have to talk about on a football message board. People are messed up man. As of a week ago, I didnt give a shit about AB, or especially how he prefers to get down, and well, here we are. Ready or not, we all get to discuss how a guy we’ve never met or never want to, rubs one out

And, if you’re going to court, you might want to consider that the standard of proof in civil court is the preponderance of evidence, which means more probable thn not. Whereas, the standard in criminal court is beyond a reasonable doubt. So your lawyer is going to tell you that you have a better chance at convicting him in civil court. And the way you win is in the pocketbook and not by putting him in prison.
You have many examples of Brown’s character, not the least of which is the text shown here. You have no examples of her behavior and you are blasting her as if she’s a Golddigger and a whore. Either you don’t respect women, or you have harbored something against them.

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He’s a step above Antonio Cromartie, at least AB pulled out.

He’ll settle with this “hoe” out of court, that’s all she wants anyway. She won’t win a court case based on these emails.

Yooper has a pretty good point. All we know about this lady is she’s accused AB of rape and other sexual assaults. That’s about it. Why is everyone jumping down her throat? Is that really a remotely healthy first reaction to a rape accuser?


Thing is, when it is a money grab it more than likely starts with “Give me $X or I will show the world what a cheating, ignorant moron you are because I have your incoherent moronic text messages” hoping for a low profile payday Then AB be like “so what bitch…nobody thinks I am a nuclear physicist” and she be like…“OK…this shit going public” and takes him to court.

As Wes has pointed out…one would think you go “Criminal Court” then “Civil Court” if justice was your motive. That is what happened with OJ…Not guilty in Criminal Court so the victims family’s went to Civil Court to get some kind of victory at least. They didn’t just run to civil court because $$$ was not their motivation.

Except when you go to court and lose in the criminal court you have very little left to stand on in civil court. She loses no matter what she does and that’s the truth. If she was raped, She loses. If she goes to court she’s a Golddigger. She goes to criminal court, she gets savaged by Brown’s lawyers and is victimized again. Tell me how she wins unless she gets a financial settlement and that’s a long shot to begin with.
I tend to believe the more credible story. The woman has everything stacked against her and she’s going to be dragged through the mud by thousands of people who don’t even know her. That’s starting out her money grab.which is less than 50-50. She will be practically unemployable afterwards. So she’s going to risk everything and have less than 50-50 shot at a payoff.
That makes sense.

OJ won in criminal court and lost in the civil case…

The reason woman have a hard time being believed is because so many have been proven to beyond a doubt have used “He raped me” as a tool to get what they want. People like that lying bitch Ford and the others that made up about shit about a respected judge of all people are the reason women are often not believed.

Sucks for the ones telling the truth but they have their fellow activist and money grabbing #FakeRape sisters to blame

Easy there killer, I think that might be a biiiiiiiiiit much for a football conversation

I agree with 100% everything he said… But it is a little over the top for a football forum.

Amy chance Nate will add a OTT page?

I sure as hell hope not. That’s what got me to leave the old board.

FYI, there IS an OTT here. Click on THE DEN home page and you get a line of options, one of which is ‘Categories’. Click on that and you get to the OTT, which not many people are using just yet.


It’s odd that Antonio Brown and Big Ben didn’t get along. They seem to share a “hobby.”